
Pylon damaged in suspected Tesla Giga Berlin arson fully repaired

An electricity pylon near Tesla Giga Berlin, which was damaged in the suspected arson attack in March, has been fully repaired. The cost of repairing the facility, which was allegedly set on fire by environmental activists in protest against Tesla, amounted to more than a million euros.

As stated in a rbb24 report, the attack on the electricity pylon succeeded in cutting off the power supply to Giga Berlin. However, it also cut off electricity in the Berlin districts of Rahnsdorf, Wilhelmshagen and Müggelheim, as well as in the Brandenburg towns of Erkner, Gosen-Neu-Zittau, Woltersdorf and the Grünheide districts of Fangschleuse and Freienbrink. Other businesses in the area were also affected.

If Giga Berlin was able to quickly resume operation of its vehicles, repairing the damaged pylon seems to have taken a little longer. As network operator Edis pointed out, the damaged components of the affected electricity pylon had to be completely replaced. Several hundred individual parts also had to be manufactured and assembled by hand as part of the facility's repairs.

Following the attack by environmental activists, the electricity pylon would be largely secured. As Edis noted, camera systems installed at the facility after the attack would be retained. The pylon would also be fenced and security would monitor the installation 24 hours a day. That's a lot of security measures for an electricity pylon, but given the tensions at Giga Berlin, such efforts might indeed be necessary.

Previous reports noted that Tesla CEO Elon Musk had urged German authorities to ensure that those behind the arson were arrested. According to Economy Minister Jörg Steinbach (SPD), “Elon Musk has made it clear what he expects of us. In his words: “You absolutely must find a way to apprehend this attacker. People shouldn't get the wrong message if they escape capture.

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