
Putin warns of 'fatal consequences' after US weapon 'destroys targets in Russia'

Putin has warned of “fatal consequences” after a US-made weapon was allegedly used by Ukraine for the first time.

Vladimir Putin has issued a clear warning to the West after the Ukrainian army was filmed for the first time using Western-made weapons.

Ukraine reportedly struck an S-300 or S-400 air defense system using the US-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

They managed to completely destroy Russian weapons, thanks to a video taken by a soldier showing a huge fire blazing in a field in Belgorod, near the Ukrainian border.

These weapon systems were used by Moscow to launch punitive missile strikes on Ukrainian cities and to shoot down any aerial threats they received.

Russian military blogger Evgeniy Poddubny said: “The enemy began using Western-made weapons systems to attack “old” Russian territory.

This prompted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov to warn against the continued use of Western weapons.

“I would like to warn the American leadership against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the severity of the rebuff they could receive,” Ryabkov was quoted as saying by the official RIA news agency.

Footage shows Ukraine's first known use of US-supplied HIMARS missiles, striking a key military target in Russia (Photo: Dosye Shpiona/e2w)

President Putin said last week that NATO countries were playing with fire and risked a deeper global conflict.

“I urge these figures (in the United States) … to devote some of their time, which they apparently devote to some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach, to study in detail this which was said by Putin,” Ryabkov said. .

The Ukrainian military claimed that Putin's army suffered 1,370 casualties in the last 24 hours alone.

The British Ministry of Defense confirmed that Russia lost 1,200 troops per day in May, a total of more than half a million since the invasion began in March 2022.

Quoting the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, they wrote of X: “When you desire success as much as you desire air, then you will achieve it. There is no other secret to success.

High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) (Photo: AFP)

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin insists Russia wants to avoid direct conflict with the West because the NATO alliance is far too strong.

The situation is “a little more dangerous” today, but there is still a “huge overreach” between NATO and Russia, which is “failing” in Ukraine, he explained.

Robots equipped with machine guns will be deployed to fight alongside soldiers against the Russian army, in what may sound like something from the realm of science fiction.

They will provide logistical support, battlefield reconnaissance, direct combat and even self-sacrifice in the most perilous missions.

The first robots were deployed in January 2024, marking the dawn of a new era in modern warfare.

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