
Putin: national arms production has increased fourteen-fold in two years


MOSCOW, May 26, 2024 (Saba) – Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a significant increase in domestic arms production over the past two years.

At a meeting in Korolev, a suburb of Moscow, with directors of military-industrial complexes, Putin revealed that the production of munitions had increased fourteen times, while that of drones had quadrupled and that of armored vehicles had been multiplied by 3.5. These comments were reported by RT, citing the Kremlin.

During the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the tactical weapons manufacturer “Karbatsia”, Putin emphasized that most defense industry enterprises fulfill the government's defense orders on time and with great quality. He also mentioned his intention to inspect several defense production facilities during his visit, including a ground test assembly center.

“Today we will discuss a series of issues related to the prospects for the development of the Russian military-industrial complex, including progress in the supply of the most demanded weapons and equipment,” Putin said at the opening of the meeting.

Furthermore, Putin highlighted the formation of a new cabinet in the country, saying: “We are currently focusing on construction work in this area as a whole, so it is time to get together and consider all observations “.

resource: Saba

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