
Protests break out in PoJK over alleged kidnapping of teenager by security agencies

Kotli [PoJK]June 18: A major protest was staged in Kotli district of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) on Monday after a local youth was allegedly abducted by security agencies.

Shaukat Nawaz Mir, a local leader belonging to the Jammu Kashmir Awami Joint Action Committee (JKJAAC), said Khwaja Khurshid Ahmed, a native of Neelam area, was allegedly abducted by security agencies on June 7 and was still don't know where he is.

In his statement, the JKJAAC leader said, “I had previously given an interview to the media, stating that the problem of enforced disappearances was not yet widespread in PoJK. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. I have to come back to my comments. because our people are regularly kidnapped and often remain missing. I mistakenly said these positive things about our administration, and I withdraw my words now.

“I have always said that if these arrested individuals are guilty of something, then there is the law and the constitution of the country which has the power to decide. So they must be arrested and then presented to the court, which will then decide if they are to be punished You will no longer be tolerated becoming judge, jury and executioner,” Mir said.

He added, “I had mistakenly given you false hope, but the incidents of Khurshid and Ahmed Farhad made me realize the truth. The family members of these people were forced to file complaints to know the condition of their loved ones.”

He also mentioned that all the abductees were raising their voices for the rights of the people of PoJK. These individuals were aware of the atrocities that the administration had inflicted on the people of PoJK.

This incident is said to have sparked dissension as the case of Kashmiri poet and journalist Ahmed Farhad remains in the news.

During the protest, JKJAAC leaders demanded the unconditional release of prisoners apprehended by law enforcement agencies during the Muzaffarabad protest held in May this year.

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