
Pope Francis urges G7 to ban deadly AI-powered weapons

Pope Francis made a historic call at the G7 summit in Italy, urging world leaders to halt the development and use of “lethal autonomous weapons” driven by artificial intelligence. The 87-year-old pontiff, the first leader of the Roman Catholic Church to attend a G7 gathering, highlighted both the allure and danger of AI technology.

Addressing the assembled leaders, Pope Francis highlighted the existential threat posed by machines that make life-or-death decisions, warning that such a future could rob humanity of its autonomy and judgment. He highlighted the urgent need for human oversight in the development of AI, saying no machine should ever have the power to decide the fate of a human life.

The summit, held in Italy's picturesque Puglia region, saw Pope Francis arrive by helicopter due to mobility issues. He was warmly welcomed by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, paving the way for his passionate advocacy for the ethical use of technology amid geopolitical discussions.

In response to the pontiff's speech, leaders of the G7 countries recognized the potential of AI to drive societal progress, but stressed the critical importance of responsible deployment, particularly in military contexts. They committed to establishing frameworks ensuring human control over AI systems, reflecting a growing global consensus on the need for ethical guidelines in technological advancements.

The summit also featured bilateral meetings between Pope Francis and key leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, highlighting the diplomatic importance of the event.

Overall, Pope Francis' call for a ban on autonomous weapons and his advocacy for human-centered AI policies have resonated deeply, shaping global discussions at the intersection of technology , ethics and international security.

Pope Francis' speech to G7 leaders places a crucial ethical perspective at the forefront of AI development. His insistence on maintaining human oversight and ethical control over AI technologies, particularly in the context of autonomous weapons, highlights a necessary balance between technological progress and moral responsibility.

Framing AI in the broader context of human dignity and social justice, the Pope highlights the importance of ensuring that these technologies serve to enhance, rather than undermine, human well-being and equity worldwide. His call for “algorithmic ethics” reflects an urgent need for interdisciplinary collaboration to establish ethical standards that can keep pace with rapid technological progress.

The emphasis on policy action to guard against the potential pitfalls of a technocratic paradigm is timely and essential, challenging leaders to think long-term about the societal impacts of AI.

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