
Pope Francis apologizes for alleged homophobic remarks – Firstpost

The pope's comments shocked both practicing Catholics and members of the LGBT community, making headlines around the world. Image courtesy Reuters

On Tuesday, Pope Francis issued a remarkable apology for allegedly using a homophobic slur during a private meeting with Italian bishops the previous week.

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term reported by others,” he said. the Vatican said in a statement.

The 87-year-old pope reportedly used an insulting phrase last week when he objected to gay individuals enrolling in priestly training programs, even if they have promised celibacy, during a meeting with more than 250 bishops.

Francis used the derogatory Roman expression “frociaggine,” which translates to “faggot,” to say there were already too many of them in the seminaries, according to two Italian publications.

The pope's comments shocked both practicing Catholics and members of the LGBT community, making headlines around the world.

The Argentine pope seemed to speak without understanding, according to several experts.

The Vatican's response cited press reports rather than confirming that he had used the phrase.

“As he had the opportunity to declare on several occasions: 'In the Church, there is room for everyone, for everyone!' No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just like we are, all of us,” the statement said.

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