
Pope calls drug traffickers 'murderers'

Pope Francis gives his blessing to visitors in St. Peter's Square at the end of his weekly general audience at the Vatican on June 26, 2024. (CNS photo by Lola Gomez)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While Christians must treat drug addicts with care and understanding, drug traffickers who market their products to vulnerable people are “murderers” called to conversion, Pope Francis said.

Breaking with his series of catecheses centered on the Holy Spirit, the pope addressed the issue of drug abuse and trafficking during his general audience on June 26, on the occasion of the World Day Against Drug Abuse and illicit drug trafficking.

“Drug addiction impoverishes every community it touches,” he said, echoing the words of St. John Paul II. “It diminishes human strength and moral fiber, undermines valuable principles and destroys the desire to live and contribute to a better society.”

The Pope: Drug traffickers and traffickers are “murderers”

Pope Francis stressed that each addict has “a different personal story, which must be listened to, understood, loved and, as much as possible, healed and purified.”

“However,” he added, “we cannot ignore the bad intentions and actions of traffickers and drug traffickers. They are murderers.

Created by the United Nations in 1987, the international day is celebrated every June 26. This year’s theme is: “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention.”

Pope Francis has criticized easing restrictions on drug use as a way to reduce drug dependence, calling it a “fantasy”, and noted that some countries have proposed or already adopted more liberal drug policies .

“Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to put an end to the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances,” the pope said. “How many death traffickers are there, because drug traffickers are death traffickers, driven by the logic of power and money at all costs. »

Pope Francis described the “scourge” of drug trafficking as one that “produces violence and sows suffering and death,” and called on society to act courageously and together to combat it.

Just as Jesus approached the afflicted to heal their wounds, “we are also called to act, to stop before situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of solitude and anguish, to lean in to to lift up and give new life to those who fall into drug slavery,” he said.

Pope emphasizes prevention in fight against drug abuse and trafficking

In a nod to the theme of the International Day, the Pope stressed that prevention must be a priority in the fight against drug abuse and trafficking, which, according to him, involves the promotion of justice in society, the education of young people in personal and community values ​​and the support of young people. those in need.

He also spoke about visiting several recovery centers run by faith-based institutions during his trip as pope. He praised the hopeful witness offered by priests, consecrated persons and lay people in the care of drug addicts, as well as the efforts of episcopal conferences to promote just legislation on drugs.

Pope Francis ended his speech by deviating from his prepared speech to ask visitors to St. Peter's Square to “pray for the criminals who give drugs to young people, they are criminals, they are murderers.”

“Let us pray for their conversion,” he said.

Keywords: Pope Francis

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