
Police sniper shoots, kills armed bank robbery suspect via computer screen

Video released by Florida deputies shows sniper shooting and killing armed robbery suspect via computer screen.

Video recently released by the Lee County Sheriff's Office shows deputies in Fort Myers, Florida, negotiating with a 36-year-old man who attempted to rob a Bank of America. Officers noted that the man took two people hostage in an office after authorities arrived on scene.

Authorities say the suspect told police he had a bomb before using two hostages as human shields. A negotiator tried to get the suspect to surrender, but the 36-year-old headbutted one of the hostages before putting a knife to his throat, prompting authorities to take measures, Sheriff Carmine Marceno said during a press conference.

Video from the Lee County Sheriff's Office showed SWAT members outside the bank, with a sniper using another officer's shoulder to steady the rifle.

“Due to the suspect's limited exposure, the sniper fired in a planned and deliberate manner through a computer screen, striking the suspect in the center of the forehead, killing him instantly,” the lieutenant said. Todd Olmer, public information officer.

Video taken inside the bank shows a bullet hole on a computer screen and the suspect on the ground behind the hostages. The SWAT team then rushes in and deploys flash grenades before checking to see if the suspect is incapacitated.

“Firing positions like these are routinely trained by snipers for critical incidents like these,” Olmer said.

The lieutenant noted that the .308 caliber bullet used “is specifically selected due to its known ballistic reliability when passing through intermediate barriers.”

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