
Police release video timeline of fatal April police shooting

Authorities said a Ferguson police officer shot Joshua Campbell after Campbell shot the driver of a vehicle he was in.

FERGUSON, Mo. — St. Louis County police released a video timeline Thursday of a “critical incident briefing” of a fatal shooting last month involving a Ferguson police officer.

The video, narrated by Lt. Col. Tim Cunningham, begins with a satellite view of a QuikTrip convenience store and its surroundings in the 10700 block of West Florissant Avenue. Police said that's where a Ferguson police officer shot Joshua Campbell after Campbell shot the driver of a vehicle he was in.

“At approximately 1:33 a.m. (April 16), two men traveling together in a white Ford Escape arrived at the convenience store…. The driver, who is also the victim in this case, entered the store to make a purchase,” Cunningham said.

Around the same time, the Ferguson police officer parked his patrol SUV in front of the store.

Later surveillance video showed the two men inside the store making purchases and returning to their vehicle a few minutes later. The driver of the Escape, identified as Detarius Haynes, 26, drove toward the gas pumps before stopping.

The Ferguson police officer also left the store. He placed his items on the hood of his SUV and ran toward the Escape.

“The officer heard additional gunshots and saw a victim fall from the driver’s seat. An armed suspect exited the vehicle through the driver’s door,” Cunningham said.

Slowed-down video from the officer's body camera showed him running toward the Escape with his service weapon drawn. Haynes' body, although blurred, is visible on the ground.

The Ferguson officer gave the suspect “verbal commands,” which he ignored. The officer then fired his weapon, hitting Campbell. Campbell, 18, ran toward West Florissant Avenue before collapsing, police said.

About 25 seconds into the incident, the officer radioed dispatchers that shots had been fired and the suspect was on the ground.

Cunningham said a 9mm pistol belonging to Campbell and 10 shell casings were recovered at the scene.

Cunningham said the Ferguson officer was 37 years old and had eight years of law enforcement experience. The officer, who was not injured, fired eight shots at Campbell.

“Our officers are sworn to protect the community and act quickly in the face of imminent danger. This incident, while tragic, highlights the difficult decisions officers must make in the line of duty. We extend our deepest condolences to the families affected by this incident. “Ferguson Police Chief Troy Doyle said in a statement.

The Ferguson Police Department also activated its Civilian Review Board within 48 hours of the incident. The council is made up of community members whose role is to oversee internal investigations of critical incidents.

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