
Police officer, 29, dies after being stabbed in the head in frenzied knife attack at anti-Islam rally in Mannheim

The police officer stabbed in Friday's horrific attack in Germany has died, local authorities said.

The 29-year-old police officer was brutally attacked and stabbed in the head several times during the frenzied knife attack at the anti-Islam rally in Mannheim.

Attacker lunges at other rally workers
German police pay tribute to man after learning of his tragic deathCredit: AP
The officer was taken to hospital for emergency surgery and placed in a coma.Credit: AP

“He underwent emergency surgery immediately after the crime and was put into an induced coma, but succumbed to his serious injuries late in the afternoon of Sunday, June 2,” said a joint police statement. and German prosecutors.

“We mourn a police officer who gave his life for our safety.”

The police officer was reportedly stabbed several times in the head.

The hero cop was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery immediately after the attack as medics desperately fought to save his life.

He was placed in an induced coma on Friday but was pronounced dead on Sunday due to his fatal injuries.

The attacker, Sulaiman Ataee, 25, is believed to be still alive despite footage appearing to show him being shot dead by police.

One of his horrified neighbors described Ataee as having become “radicalized” in recent months.

They told MailOnline: “He was normal. Recently, about a year ago, I noticed he had changed.

“He used to be helpful, then suddenly he became cold. He suddenly became more reserved – and also more aggressive.”


On Friday, May 31, around 11:30 a.m. local time, a YouTube livestream captured the moment a bearded man launched an attack at a rally in Germany.

The footage shows him brandishing a huge knife before lunging at far-right activist Michael Stürzenberger as they both fell to the ground.

The images appeared to show Stürzenberger stabbed in the face, neck and chest.

Shocking footage shows blood leaking from a hole in his jeans and dripping near his eyes.

Other men dressed in blue, who appear to have participated in the gathering, try to tear the attacker away from his victim.

Police swarmed the scene as one of the officers was attacked with a knife.

Two police officers then pointed their guns at the attacker as he lay on the ground as gunshots rang out.

The knifeman rolled onto his back, remained motionless and died, reports Bild.

Four other people were injured in the carnage and no information has yet been released on their condition.

Local authorities said yesterday: “All the injured were then transported to different hospitals, where some of them had to undergo emergency surgery.”

German media say Ataee is a 25-year-old woman born in Afghanistan and now living in Germany.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said Friday afternoon: “The investigation will clarify the context of this crime.

“If the investigation reveals an Islamist motive, it would once again confirm the great danger posed by the Islamist acts of violence that we have warned against.”

Stefanie Kizina, treasurer of the BPE group, told Bild: “It was not an attack, but a terrorist act.

“The attack happened before the event even started, it must have been planned well in advance.”

Mannheim police said after the attack: “According to current information, an attack on several people took place today around 11:35 a.m. on the market square in Mannheim.

“A person allegedly attacked several people with a knife and injured them. No information can yet be given on the extent and seriousness of the injuries.

“A firearm was then used against the attacker. The attacker was also injured.”

Police added: “Rescue and emergency services and the rescue helicopter are in action. There is no danger to the public.

“Rail traffic between Kurpfalzkreisel and Paradeplatz is closed until further notice.”

Minutes after the rampage, forensic investigators, masked special forces and state criminal police officers arrived on the scene.

The photos show investigators on scene the day after the attack, cleaning up blood and organizing forensic tests.

Anti-Muslim activist Michael Stürzenberger shared this photo from his hospital bed after the stabbing.Credit: Instagram
The scene in Mannheim, western Germany, after the attack, as police began carrying out forensic analyses.Credit: AFP

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