
Police identify man who went overboard from Wellington ferry

Police have identified the man who allegedly fell overboard from a Wellington ferry on Friday morning.

A massive search effort was launched when the ferry arrived at Days Bay, Eastbourne, after leaving Queens Wharf just after 6am.

The man was the only passenger on the service and was no longer on board when it arrived in Days Bay.

Police said this morning that the man had now been identified, but had not yet been located.

The man is described as being in his 40s, light-skinned, around 180cm tall with darker hair.

The commuter ferry traveled from Queens Wharf in the city to Days Bay in Eastbourne.

“The police are providing support to the man's family and we will continue to keep them informed as the search progresses. At this time, we will not release details of his identity,” said the police officer. Detective Senior Sergeant Rachel Boyd.

“The search resumed yesterday with a potential location of interest identified in Wellington Harbour.

“The police maritime unit will continue to coordinate the search today with the assistance of the Royal New Zealand Navy.”

Friday's search saw up to 14 vessels and a rescue helicopter in action at its peak.

East by West Ferries managing director Mat Jonsson told 1News on Friday that the ferry's crew issued a rescue call and began searching as soon as they learned the passenger was missing.

“We called on a second ferry from the port to help with the search, which was joined by other vessels responding to the Mayday.”

Police are asking anyone with information that could help them to call 105.

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