
Police admit 'procedural error' in handling teen fight in Padang city

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta West Sumatra regional police chief Inspector General Suharyono admitted that his members made procedural errors in handling 18 teenagers suspected of being involved in fights in the city of Padang.

He mentioned that 45 members of the Kuranji Sector Police had exceeded their authority in handling the teenagers. “There are 45 personnel who have been questioned by Propam (Police Internal Affairs) regarding 18 people questioned at the Kuranji police,” Suharyono was quoted as saying by Antara on Wednesday June 26, 2024.

Based on Suharyono's explanation, two locations were used by the police to handle the fight between teenagers, namely Kuranji Bridge and Kuranji Police Station. Police said there was no mishandling at the Kuranji Bridge.

“At Kuranji Police Station, some staff members exceeded their authority,” he said during his meeting with Afif Maulana's family and legal representatives who staged a protest in front of the West Sumatra Police .

The alleged torture case occurred when the body of Afif Maulana (AM) was discovered on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11:55 WIB (Western Indonesia Time) on Sunday, June 9, 2024. The discovery was then reported to the Kuranji sectoral police. The police immediately went to the scene to carry out further investigation.

Before the discovery of AM's body, friction took place between a convoy of motorcycles and several police officers responsible for dispersing the teenagers.

The police arrested dozens of teenagers allegedly involved in the fight, dozens of sharp weapons and AM's motorcycle driven by his friend.


Editors Choice: Police reported as perpetrators of most torture in Indonesia: Komnas HAM, KontraS

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