
Piantedosi: “Fight human trafficking to save lives”

In recent days, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, he is in Africa for a series of bilateral meetings. It is therefore almost natural to talk about migrants, departures and agreements with countries regarding repatriation: “The lower number of arrivals – explains the minister to 'La Stampa' – is due to the reduction in illegal departures. And reducing illegal departures can also mean reducing the risk of tragedies. Combating human trafficking, in whatever way, serves above all to save human lives. » He then explains how Libya and Tunisia support Italy in the fight against immigration: “We are consolidating collaboration in multiple directions: from preventing departures on the continent to rescues and recoveries at sea. But the program complex of voluntary assisted repatriations that Libya and Tunisia carry out, from their territories, of thousands of migrants who are offered alternative resettlement opportunities in their countries of origin, is particularly important. and that of international humanitarian organizations. In addition, collaboration with these countries “is developing on approved, shared and often supported programs. The level of control must remain high but a greater culture of dignity is necessary on the part of the European Union.”

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reiterated once again that entry into Italy is only possible legally. But it is then possible to modify the Bossi-Fini law: “The expression 'modify the Bossi Fini', without any precision, rather resembles a slogan practiced especially by those who, sometimes, do not even know what they are talking about. about. Our immigration law has been amended or supplemented dozens of times. After that, each regulation must be adapted to the changing needs posed by such complex phenomena. » The executive plans to review access flows: “The government, faced with the evidence of certain anomalies, has begun to reflect on the real functioning of the current system”. The Prime Minister denounced the fact that in certain regions , in particular Campania, we have recorded a number of requests for work authorization for non-EU citizens which is disproportionate to the number of potential employers: “We are considering some of the solutions with unchanged legislation, such as those envisaged to create a preliminary certification system for employers who can then apply. We do not exclude any other measure, even of a regulatory nature, to make the meeting between job supply and demand more concrete and effective.”

The opposition stigmatizes the excessive costs of the center in Albania in the face of the reduction of reception costs: “The costs must be compared to the expected benefits of carrying out the project, also from the point of view of the gradual reduction of reception costs that our They support the country and the whole of Europe for the benefit of people who, around 90 percent, will not be entitled to it. I appreciate the public attention paid to the project by the majority of European countries and by the European Union itself. I believe, is the greatest proof of the value, even experimental, of an initiative that promises to combat illegal immigration without reducing the guarantees of people's rights,” concludes Piantedosi.

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