
Photography to help adolescents suffering from psychological disorders

ROME – Scientific studies demonstrate the power of images in individual growth and in medical and social projects. Photography, in addition to being used as a creative method, promotes artistic imagination, personal development, the integration of life stories and the development of self-esteem and empowerment. It is for this reason that it also becomes very important to help adolescents who suffer from psychological disorders, according to WHO data, 20% of adolescents between 13 and 17 years old. Ordinary psychoanalyst and psychiatrist of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society Adelia Lucattini explains it.

For years, photography has been used in psychoanalytic and neuropsychological research related to the construction of identity, visual perception and memory. Additionally, it acts as a tool to help explore and process traumatic experiences, promote self-reflection and self-knowledge, and encourage personal growth. . The types of photography used for therapeutic purposes have seen the development of different techniques, some of which embrace photography as a tool to encourage personal expression. These advances in the holistic approach to treating psychological disorders have also led to the development of art therapy models involving theater, music, dance, and the visual arts, with the more recent addition of photography. Photography and psychoanalysis combine to seek health, well-being and personal growth through the use or creation of images. The principle is that the unconscious is sensory, a form of thinking through images and associations; thought is verbal, but also visual and in continuous dialogue with the unconscious.

“Photography as an artistic form promotes psychological, emotional and relational development,” explains Adelia Lucattini. “It can also be used as a complementary technique for the treatment of adolescents with psychological disorders, but these are still mainly pilot projects, distributed unevenly. “Visual literacy” is not a new educational concept; however, its more formal inclusion in the school curriculum has not yet occurred. In this regard, there is an interesting scientific reference literature. Consider the research carried out by Messaris (1994) and Raney (1999). The definitions of visual literacy in reference to photography can be diverse and broad, allowing the adolescent to develop their ability to grasp and interpret meaning and to be sure to use images correctly and at the same time to creative way.”

The photographic process during childhood and adolescence is the same as that which adults also experience: greater capacity for expression, self-knowledge, exploration of the environment and the age group. In addition, it teaches the responsible use of technological tools, given that photographs can also be taken with a smartphone or tablet, with an authentic perception of the value and potential of the images. Sharing with parents, brothers and sisters positively influences relationships and the family climate. Psychoanalysis and photography are deeply linked; they look at each other and listen to each other, they create psychic, intimate and tangible paintings (the photographs can also be printed), effective and transformable, with positive, promising results and full of potential. The aforementioned combination, through education and training, allows, in addition to personal growth and good psychological development, also a broader group and social transformation.

Summer and vacations are an unmissable opportunity to learn photography, choose courses, and experiment. A creative and leisure activity that captures moments and consolidates memories, to be carried out in the company of friends and family.

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