
Parents of 17-year-old Penelope “Penny” Wise search for their daughter

CEDAR SPRINGS, Mich. — The parents of a missing Cedar Springs teen are hoping someone knows where she is. Penelope “Penny” Wise was last seen Friday evening walking away from her home and has not yet been found.

“There was no sign before she left. She had a good day,” said Penelope's mother, Mishael Wise.

Seventeen-year-old Penelope Wise, also known as “Penny”, was often creating art and playing with her siblings.

“Penny is very bubbly. She's very friendly. Outgoing. She likes to help other people. She likes to interact with little kids,” Mishael said.

On Friday around 6 p.m., Penelope walked away from her home near Morley Park in Cedar Springs. She was last seen wearing a flannel shirt and shorts. Her parents said they saw her leave the house, but she never returned.

“She's never really taken off for more than an hour or two before. Usually it's very short term, like a few minutes. She usually stays home a lot,” said Penelope's father, David Wise .

Penelope is five feet tall with blonde hair and weighs approximately 120 pounds. Her mother said she discovered Penelope had a new phone the Wednesday before she disappeared.

“She wasn't allowed to have a phone, so she acquired it behind our backs. So we don't have any information on the phone. So they can't track the phone,” Mishael said.

Her parents said they had been in contact with the Kent County Sheriff's Office since the day she disappeared. Sheriff's investigators consider her a runaway.

“They have leads that they're following, they assure us that they're following all kinds of things. She suffers from mental health issues. So, you know, it's just you always know where the spirit is. it is,” Mishael said.

On Sunday, during a search party at Morley Park for Penelope, her mother found the two shirts Penelope was wearing on the ground. Her mother asked the community to continue sharing Penelope's disappearance online.

“By sharing on social media, the more people who see it, the more likely we are to find her,” Mishael said.

Penelope is one of three West Michigan teens who ran away. However, police do not believe the cases are related. In Kalamazoo, 16-year-old “Ruby” Cruz was last seen early Monday morning. In Ottawa County, deputies are searching for 15-year-old Zyleha Noel, who has not been seen since May 1.

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