
Parents miss the cruise ship and teens sail without them

A mum and dad reportedly scolded their teenager for leaving them on the island and allowing the cruise ship to sail to another port without them.

(Photo courtesy of Doug Parker/Cruise Radio)

Upset, their child took to the internet to ask if they were the bad guys who left their parents on a Caribbean island so they could return in time for their cruise.

In the subreddit “Am I the asshole?” » a post from a user with the handle ProfessionalTax7753 went viral, garnering over 21,000 votes and over 2,100 comments.

The controversial Reddit post

I graduated from high school in December. As a gift, my parents bought me a cruise. It was also for my 18th birthday. It was also a family vacation. We usually stay at all-inclusive resorts, but I've always wanted to take a cruise.

I told my parents that it was different and that if we were going on a field trip, we had to stick to the schedule no matter what.

Well it was a week long cruise and they didn't want to go back to the ship when I told them it was time to leave. They were busy shopping and negotiating with the locals. I finally said I was going back to the ship. My mother waved me off.

They missed the start. Greatly. Like 45 minutes. They contacted me via WhatsApp. They wanted to know why I hadn't taken the boat to wait for them.

I wanted to scream that they weren't going to bother 3,998 people because two of them didn't understand what a schedule was.

They ended up having to fly to the next port and it was expensive. They're mad at me for leaving them behind.

I don't know what I was supposed to do. They literally told me they knew what they were doing.
I wish I had never asked this. They make me unhappy because I left without them.

The Internet is on the side of teenagers

(Photo courtesy of Doug Parker/Cruise Radio)

Most users assured the original poster (OP) that the fault was with the parents.

“This is what confuses me – even if OP had tried/asked, I highly doubt the staff would have even considered delaying the departure. Did OP's parents expect him to kick down the bridge door and commandeer the ship until they finished shopping? » » asked one reader.

Another pointed out: “And if OP gave up and stayed with them, that would have been an extra plane ticket, so even more money wasted.” They should be relieved that their child has a head on their shoulders, but no, they prefer to blame them.

Far too often, passengers miss their cruise by not respecting on-board schedules. Last March, eight passengers found themselves stranded in São Tomé and Principe. Meanwhile, an elderly couple were abandoned in Spain in April.

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