
Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for TikTok post inciting riots in Jaranwala

In a controversial decision that has reignited debates over Pakistan's Blasphemy LawsA young Christian man has been sentenced to death for allegedly posting a blasphemous message on social media that incited riots in Jaranwala.

Special Judge Ziaullah Khan of the Sahiwal Anti-Terrorism Court on Monday sentenced Ehsan Shan to 22 years in prison and a fine of Rs 1 million (C$4,888).

Shan was accused of sharing blasphemous content on TikTok, which sparked a backlash in Jaranwala. The allegations of desecrating a copy of the Holy Quran led to mobs vandalising dozens of Christian homes and around 26 churches. The complaint was filed by Sub-Inspector Amir Farooq of Dera Rahim police, who, based on intelligence reports, apprehended Shan three days after the riots. According to Farooq, who is now SHO of Ghala Mandi police station, Shan did not produce the blasphemous content but shared it, making it go viral.

The final judgment provides for several punishments: death penalty and a fine of Rs 500,000 under Section 295(C), 10 years of rigorous imprisonment under Section 295(A), seven years under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act and five years plus a fine of Rs 500,000 under Section 7(1)(G)-ATA.

This conviction sparked several demonstrations across the country on Monday, July 1.

The case has attracted considerable attention and reignited debate about the implications of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. In March, a court in Faisalabad acquitted two Christian brothers charged with desecration based on personal enmity, highlighting the potential for abuse of these laws. The severity of Shan’s sentence and the violence that followed underscore the volatile nature of blasphemy charges in Pakistan, underscoring the urgent need for legal reform and protection of minority communities.

Nasir Saeed, Director of CLAAS-UK, strongly condemned the recent conviction. “This is a judgment motivated by religious and biased considerations. Young people are being used as scapegoats to justify the release of those detained for attacking and burning down churches and Christian homes,” he said.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has also criticized Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, particularly Sections 295-A, B, and C, for their vague and broad provisions that are often misused to target minority communities and settle personal scores. The USCIRF report highlights numerous cases where individuals, including Christians, Hindus, and Ahmadis, have been falsely accused and imprisoned. The report highlights that mere accusations can lead to mob violence, extrajudicial killings, and mass protests, creating a climate of fear and intimidation.

“The Christian community in Pakistan is facing grave injustice, living in constant fear for their lives, property and places of worship,” Saeed said. “This verdict symbolises the virtual death of all Christians in Pakistan today. A young Christian has been made the scapegoat for the violence and destruction that took place in Jaranwala.”

“The laws here are discriminatory and unjust, perpetuating a climate of fear and persecution for religious minorities. Our community feels vulnerable and unprotected. True justice has not been served in this case,” Saeed concluded. “We call on the government and the judiciary to review this verdict and address the deeply rooted biases in our legal system. Only then can we hope to live in a society that values ​​and protects all its citizens equally.”

Saeed also spoke about a recent mob lynching in Sargodha, where most of the accused were released on bail. This incident highlights the growing trend of mob violence in Pakistan, which is increasing the sense of insecurity among Christians. The misuse of blasphemy laws and the lack of judicial action not only undermine the national fabric of Pakistan, but also have significant international repercussions.

Recently, the Punjab Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate have all unanimously passed resolutions to stop the misuse of the blasphemy law and mob lynchings, in a bid to protect minorities. However, the implementation of these resolutions remains a crucial issue.

This case continues to attract international attention and calls for urgent legal reforms to ensure the protection and equal treatment of all citizens in Pakistan.

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