
Operation Stovewood: seven guilty of abusing teenage girls in care

Seven men have been convicted of a series of child sexual abuse offenses against two teenage girls in Rotherham in the early 2000s.

The men's trial, at Sheffield Crown Court, was the result of a five-year investigation by officers from the National Crime Agency's Operation Stovewood.

The victims, aged between 11 and 16 at the time of the events and both placed in police custody, were treated and often consumed alcohol or cannabis before being raped or assaulted.

They were often picked up by their attackers from the children's homes where they lived at the time.

The court heard how the attacks took place at locations around Rotherham, in a park, in a car, in a supermarket car park, in a cemetery, and even behind a children's nursery.

Pictured: (top left to right) Saddiq, Amar, Siyab, Sadiq (bottom left to right) Bari, Yassin and Ajaibe

In one case, one of the girls was taken to a hotel where she was raped by two men. On another occasion, the same girl was locked in the house of one of her attackers, raped on at least two occasions and only managed to escape by climbing through a window.

Following a nine-week trial at Sheffield Crown Court, seven men were found guilty of a series of offenses on Wednesday June 5. All seven were held in custody until sentencing, which is scheduled to take place on September 12 and 13, 2024. An eighth man was cleared of rape.

Stuart Cobb, NCA senior investigating officer, said: “The testimonies we heard from these victims were some of the most harrowing we have come across, and the offenses involved some of the most serious ever investigated by officers working on the operation Stovewood.

“I pay tribute to the courage of these two victims who came forward and told their stories. This was the key to securing these convictions and I hope they feel justice has finally been served.

“What happened to them is terrible. Their attackers were cruel and manipulative men, who thought it was a good thing to take advantage of vulnerable young girls and dehumanize their victims in the worst possible way.

“We are determined to do everything in our power to support and obtain justice for victims like them, and hunt down perpetrators of abuse, no matter how much time passes. »

The guilty verdicts mean 33 people have now been found guilty of offenses following investigations by the NCA's Operation Stovewood, which is examining allegations of abuse in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

It is the largest investigation of its kind in the UK, with more than 1,150 potential victims identified.

Zoe Becker, CPS legal officer, said: “These seven men knew these young girls could be exploited – they targeted the victims and, using drugs and alcohol, groomed them for sex .

“These defendants waged a campaign of violence against the two girls, who repeatedly had to endure some of the most traumatic abuse.

“We are grateful to the victims who have come forward and testified about the horrific abuse they suffered. This is a complex and lengthy investigation, and it is thanks to their courage that we were able to bring these offenders to justice.

“This is the largest case prosecuted under Operation Stovewood this year. I hope this conviction sends a clear message that the CPS, working with law enforcement, will relentlessly pursue justice and prosecute those who sexually exploit children, whenever such abuse takes place.

“I encourage all victims of child sexual abuse and sexual violence to report crimes committed against them. It's never too late to seek justice: you are not alone and help is available.

June 05, 2024

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