
One person arrested after bushfire at Dandini Boulevard and Clear Acre Lane | News

Washoe County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to a fire and arrested a man Saturday.

Around 12:20 a.m. Saturday, June 22, deputies and firefighters responded to a brush fire near Dandini Boulevard and Clear Acre Lane.

The fire ravaged the front yard of a home and threatened neighboring buildings.

Witnesses at the scene described a man leaving on foot and officers found Joseph Parker, 67, nearby.

When asked to stop, deputies said Parker pulled a pair of scissors out of his pocket and refused to drop them.

Deputies used a TASER on Parker and arrested him.

Parker faces charges including obstructing and resisting with a deadly weapon, assaulting a protected person with a deadly weapon, failure to supervise or extinguish a fire endangering property and destruction of property of a other person.

“Thanks to the diligent efforts of our deputies, only property was damaged in this incident. However, due to the proximity to homes, this could have resulted in a much worse outcome,” Sheriff Balaam said. “Our region has experienced several fires over the past month and as summer temperatures increase, we must all work together to reduce the risk of fire by following the guidelines and restrictions permitted for outdoor recreational fires.

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