
Ohio cop fired after punching black teen face to ground and dragging him in places

In all the countries — Officer Donovan Bever was fired from the Columbus police after body camera video revealed his violent arrest of a 14-year-old boy, including slamming the teen's face into the ground and beating him dragging by his dreadlocks. He was fired for abusive behavior and excessive use of force.During the Feb. 19 arrest, Bever grabbed the teen by his dreadlocks and slammed his face into the concrete. The situation did not warrant such force, the document states, according to NBC4.

Bever again pushed the boy's face into the concrete, threw objects from the boy's pockets and hit him in the face. After handcuffing him, Bever threatened him: “Move, I'll break your face.” » He then dragged the teenager by his dreadlocks to a police van and punched him in the groin during another search.

Police Chief Elaine Bryant expressed strong disapproval after watching Bever's body camera video.

“It makes me angry. I'm disappointed. I'm mad. “I'm frustrated because that's not what we stand for and there was absolutely no reason or justification to treat a 14-year-old or anyone else like that.” she declared.

The incident occurred during a traffic stop in the Linden area. The police approached two 14-year-olds who were walking in the street. When the teens ran upon seeing the police, Bever and another officer chased them. They complied, but the situation escalated when Bever used force during the arrest.

Bever's misconduct, captured on video, included the use of excessive force and inappropriate comments during the arrest. Although he was relieved of duty shortly after the incident, he was officially fired months later.

Chief Bryant assured the community that the department took swift action in response to the incident, meeting with the teen's family to address their concerns.

“They were disappointed by the officers' actions, but they were relieved and happy with the quick action the department and the director of public safety took to resolve this issue,” Bryant said.

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