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June 7, 2024

The Labor Force Survey asks respondents whether they identify with visible minority categories (as used in the census): White, South Asian (e.g. East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan), Chinese, Blacks, Filipinos, Arabs, Latin Americans, Southeast. Asian (e.g. Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai), West Asian (e.g. Iranian, Afghan), Korean, other.

May 2024 (3-month moving average, unadjusted)

Nationally, the unemployment rate for people who identified as a visible minority (8.6%) was higher than the unemployment rate (5.4%) for those who did not identify not as indigenous or as part of a visible minority population. All regions had a higher unemployment rate for those who identified with a visible minority group than for those who did not identify as Aboriginal or a visible minority. This gap was highest in Quebec, while the lowest gap was in British Columbia. In Atlantic Canada, the unemployment rate was 9.7% for those who identified with a visible minority group and 7.6% for those who did not identify as Indigenous or part of a population visible minority.

National participation rates were higher among those who identified with a visible minority population (71.4%) than among those who did not identify as Indigenous or part of a visible minority population (62 .9%). Participation rates for those who identify with a visible minority population were higher in all regions in May 2024. In Atlantic Canada, those who identify with a visible minority population reported a participation rate of 80 .3%, compared to a participation rate of 59.5% for those who identify with a visible minority population. not identify as Indigenous or a member of a visible minority.

Nationally, employment rates were higher among those who identified as a visible minority (65.2%) than among those who did not identify as Indigenous or a visible minority (59 .5%). As of May 2024, employment rates were higher for those who identify as visible minorities in each region than those who do not identify as Indigenous or not part of a visible minority. 72.5%) and those who did not (55.0%) were highest in Atlantic Canada.

Unemployment rates in Canada were generally higher among visible minority populations than among those who did not identify as Aboriginal or visible minority (exceptions: Southeast Asian populations as well as Korean men) .

In May 2024, unemployment rates for women belonging to visible minorities were slightly higher (8.6%) than those for men (8.5%). Unemployment rates for women were lower than those for men among black and Filipino populations.

Labor force participation rates for people who identified as a visible minority were generally higher than those who did not identify as Aboriginal or a member of a visible minority (exception: lower participation rates for Chinese populations). Participation rates were higher for men than women among all visible minority populations (as well as among those who did not identify as Aboriginal or part of a visible minority population).

Employment rates were generally higher among visible minority populations than among those who identified neither as Aboriginal nor as part of a visible minority (exception: Chinese populations). Men reported higher employment rates than women in all visible minority populations, as was also the case among populations who did not identify as Aboriginal or a member of a visible minority.

Unemployment rates in Canada were higher for all age cohorts of visible minority populations, compared to those who do not identify as Indigenous or a visible minority. The largest gap was among younger workers (aged 15 to 24).

Participation rates among visible minority populations were higher among older workers than among workers in the same age cohort who do not identify as Indigenous or visible minority populations. Among youth and core-aged workers, participation rates among visible minority populations were lower than those of populations of the same age who do not identify as Aboriginal or visible minority.

With lower participation and higher unemployment rates, employment rates were lower for visible minority youth and core-aged populations than for those who do not identify as Indigenous or as members of a visible minority. With higher participation rates (and despite higher unemployment rates), the employment rate of older visible minority populations was higher than that of older Canadians who do not identify as Aboriginal or non-native. not part of a visible minority population.


Over the past 12 months, unemployment rates for visible minorities in Atlantic Canada have been higher than those for people who identify as neither Indigenous nor members of a visible minority. This reverses the trend seen through much of 2022 and early 2023.

The participation and employment rates of visible minority populations in Atlantic Canada are consistently higher than those of populations who identify neither as Aboriginal nor as members of a visible minority.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0373-01 Labor force characteristics by visible minority group, three-month moving averages, monthly data not seasonally adjusted

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