
NonStop Local fact-checks and recent announcement from Governor Gianforte on suspected illegal immigrants | Montana politics

HELEN, Mont. – Gov. Greg Gianforte released an announcement last week saying the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants into the state of Montana.

This stems from a story from a few weeks ago that five immigrants had arrived in Kalispell. NonStop Local has been working on this story since it first broke and is working to get an explanation.

We weren't able to get that much and we're continuing to look into this and fact-check this announcement. It was a story. Our team has been working since the sheriff's release earlier this month.

From this publication came campaign advertisements like the one that Governor Gianforte published on social networks.

NonStop Local has learned that this ad has since been removed from circulation by the governor's campaign after it was released on May 2.

NonStop Local reporter Matti Olson contacted the Gianforte campaign to explain why the ad was removed. Spokeswoman Anna Marian Block responded with this statement: “The Twitter ad was the product of an outside contractor and was removed per our instructions. At the end of the day. Montanans know too well that Joe Biden's open border is making our country and our communities. less secure, and Governor Gianforte has taken steps to secure the border and pressure Biden to do his job.

Olson continued the campaign to ask why the ad was taken down and who the outside contractor was, but got no answer.

Still looking for answers, Olson contacted Flathead County Sheriff Brian Hino to ask the big question: “Are immigrants legal or illegal?” -And once again, no response.

Seeking input from the community, Olson then contacted the Flathead County Commissioners and received this statement from Commissioner Randy Brodehl saying in part: “It's always a rush for local governments when illegal aliens are dropped off without resources, without interpreters, without identification, without a plan. , without a federal contract and notification from law enforcement, rural communities like Flathead County are already fighting every day to provide housing for our legal employees and enough law enforcement to protect our community.

Olson again asked Commissioner Brodehl if he had confirmation of the immigrants' legal status, where he directed me to Congressman Ryan Zinke and then to Sheriff Hino. Olson reached out to Congressman Zinke's press team but has not yet received a response.

Olson also contacted Valley Neighbors, the nonprofit organization that reportedly housed the immigrants upon their arrival. But they didn't respond either.

NonStop Local will continue to seek answers about the legal status of immigrants and will provide updates on this story once we receive answers.

It's important to note that in the county commissioners' statement, they talk about “illegal immigrants.” However, we have absolutely no confirmation that these five immigrants were illegal. This is a fact that we are currently working to confirm for you.

NonStop Local also reached out to Gov. Gianforte's opponent, Ryan Busse, who said through his campaign manager, “With a pathetic 37 percent approval rating, New Jersey billionaire Greg Gianforte is just trying to distract Montanans from his disastrous property tax hike, his housing crisis and his record of making Montana the most expensive it has ever been.

NonStop Local will continue to provide updates on this story as we continue our investigations.

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