
Nonprofit Provides Safe Space for Sex Trafficking Survivors

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The U.S. State Department estimates that at any given time, 27.6 million people worldwide are used in a modern form of slavery known as human trafficking. In many cases involving people under the age of 18, victims are often forced into sexual acts.

What do you want to know

  • According to Gracehaven, a faith-based nonprofit organization in Ohio, Ohio has approximately 1,200 victims of sex trafficking each year.
  • At a residential complex in Columbus, the organization provides 24/7 care to girls ages 11 to 17 who are survivors.
  • Up to 12 girls can receive stabilization care before being transferred to foster care or blood relatives.

According to Gracehaven, a faith-based nonprofit organization in Ohio, there are approximately 1,200 victims of sex trafficking in Ohio each year.

The organization provides 24/7 care to girls ages 11-17 who are survivors and are referred to the facility. Up to 12 girls can receive stabilization care before being transferred to foster care or blood relatives.

“Most of these girls know their trafficker, so their family members could be part of the problem,” said Vicky Thompson, Gracehaven's development director. “So if that’s the case, we’re obviously not going to put them back into that environment.” So there's a whole process that they go through. But I hope they have become stable enough here. »

Thompson said there is an ongoing waiting list of at least 20 girls from across the state in need of Gracehaven's residential services.

Gracehaven's main fundraiser, Over the Edge, will take place on June 14. Supporters will rappel down a 26-story skyscraper in Columbus to help end child sex trafficking. For more information about the event or nonprofit, visit

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