
NKY Man Convicted of Overdose, Sexual Abuse Had 'Sex Dungeon'

More than a year after Randy Kipling hosted what prosecutors called a “sex and drugs” party at his Crittenden home, Kipling was sentenced to time behind bars for sexually abusing a female guest who fatally overdosed.

Kipling, 61, was sentenced June 27 to two years in prison, a sentence that matched the recommendation of a Boone County jury that convicted him of sexual abuse in May.

Jurors acquitted Kipling of sodomy, a more serious charge that carried a possible 20-year prison sentence.

A 26-year-old man was found unconscious at Kipling's Salem Creek Road home in February 2023 and died at a hospital the next day, according to documents filed in Boone County Circuit Court.

According to the Boone County Sheriff's Office, emergency workers tried multiple times to get the man breathing again with Narcan, an opioid overdose antidote, and other measures. They took his pulse and transported him, but the man then went into cardiac arrest and died.

In court documents, prosecutors said his death was the result of an overdose of a mixture of alcohol and methamphetamine.

Investigators discover 'sex dungeon' during search

A witness told investigators that while the man was exhibiting symptoms of an overdose, Kipling escorted him to a bedroom and 30 minutes later, Kipling was seen sexually assaulting the man, who was described as being in a “lifeless” condition, the sheriff's office said.

Investigators learned from witness accounts that Kipling administered drugs to three people at his home, all of whom exhibited symptoms of overdose, the sheriff's office said.

Deputies found several drugs in plain sight at the scene, as well as methamphetamine in a safe, prosecutors said, adding that Kipling denied any knowledge of drugs in his home and never mentioned having sexual contact with the victim.

Another witness told investigators that Kipling “provided methamphetamines and other drugs to young men to encourage them to hang out with him and have sex with him,” prosecutors said.

During a search of Kipling's home, police also found a basement room containing a sex swing, a mattress and a dentist's chair, prosecutors said. Kipling referred to the room in text messages as his “sex dungeon” and sometimes hosted parties there, they added.

Lawyer: Jury's verdict is “positive”

Ryan Beck, Kipling's attorney, said the jury's verdict indicated he did not fully agree with the account given by prosecutors and the sheriff's office.

“I certainly took it as a positive,” Beck told the Enquirer, adding that Kipling maintains his innocence and plans to appeal.

Beck argued that trial testimony showed that Kipling did not supply the drugs and that the 26-year-old arrived at Kipling's home that night already drunk.

Beck said investigators did not focus on Mark Ball, one of the three people Kipling gave drugs to, adding that it was Ball who provided a methamphetamine concoction to the victim before she died. Ball also overdosed that night but recovered, according to court documents.

Federal investigation identifies Kipling as financier of meth ring

While Kipling was initially charged with drug trafficking at the state level, Boone County District Attorney Louis Kelly said the U.S. Justice Department had adopted the cases and would try Kipling in federal court.

Kipling and Ball are both charged with conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, according to a federal complaint filed in April.

Kipling was the money behind and received most of the profits from a methamphetamine distribution business, while Ball was in charge of pickups and trafficking, a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) task force officer wrote in a sworn affidavit.

Court records do not indicate when Kipling and Ball are expected to appear in court on the federal charges.

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