
Newton hearing held to examine assault allegations

A WOMAN cried in court as she claimed a man slapped her in the face and pulled her hair.

She was testifying at a hearing in Newton which was held before the sentencing of Joao Rodrigues, 22.

A Newton hearing takes place when the accused has admitted an offense but pleaded guilty to a different version of the facts than those alleged by the prosecution.

Rodrigues previously admitted to pushing the woman by the shoulders and damaging her phone, but he denies slapping her and pulling her hair.

Questioned by legal adviser Francis Burak, in charge of the prosecution, the woman, who testified behind a screen in the first instance court, declared that the incidents took place on the morning of February 16, when she was preparing to go to work.

She sobbed as she said: “He pushed me with both hands on each shoulder. He shouted, called me a “slut” and “dirty”.

“I had my hair down and he grabbed it and pulled it. I just said, “Don’t pull my hair.” »

“I walked away. That’s when he slapped me.

She added: “He took my phone out of the charger and was stomping on it with his feet.

“When he picked it up from the ground, he tried to break it with his hands.”

The woman said she suffered from anxiety and was taking medication for it.

Lawyer Heidi Heath, defending, asked him: “Do you blame Mr Rodrigues for this?” You want to have it, don't you? You have an interest in working. You seek revenge.

She replied: “It’s not revenge. This is justice.

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