
New York State Politicians Push to Ban Guns on Drones, Robots

What was once considered a science fiction fantasy has become reality. Unmanned aerial vehicles and other programmable machines have advanced by leaps and bounds in just the last ten years.

Robots can be used for a number of tasks and purposes, such as manufacturing, transportation, surgery, and production. New York residents can easily purchase a drone or other robotic device from companies like Boston Dynamics, simply through the Internet or other means.

Boston Dynamic/YouTube

Boston Dynamic/YouTube

However, some New York state lawmakers have concerns about how some of these machines are equipped or modified. Recently, Wired reported that the first-ever flamethrower-wielding robot dog was available for purchase. These politicians fear that these machines could easily be equipped with guns or something that could release chemical agents, according to CBS.

New York state politicians work with robot maker to ban weapons on drones and robots

CBS reports that New York Assemblyman Clyde Vanel and State Senator Jeremy Cooney have introduced legislation that would “make it illegal to manufacture, sell and use robots equipped with mounted weapons.”

See also: Police in this part of New York state will use drones to respond to calls

Boston Dynamics, the popular robotics engineering and design company, even told CBS Albany that it worked with both lawmakers to help draft the bill. Currently, Boston Dynamics prohibits users in its licensing agreement from weaponizing their machines.

According to Congressman Vanel, it is now legal in New York State for individuals or companies to put weapons on robots or drones.

The proposal would make some exceptions, such as the US Department of Defense and its contractors, as well as law enforcement – ​​if they have a warrant to enter private property with a robot.

See also: Is it legal to own a flamethrower in New York State?

New York City Robotic Police Dogs (DigiDogs)

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