
New Ugandan school honors memory of late Bucks County teen

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — On February 22, 2024, a new elementary school opened in the Adjumami district of Uganda, commemorating the life and legacy of Maria Middleton, a beloved teenager from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Maria Middleton Sodogo Primary School is a testament to her lasting impact and the connections she made during her short but meaningful life.

Maria Middleton touched the hearts of the Ugandan community during her visit in October 2019. Diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at the age of 16, her story spread around the world, inspiring many people, including Ugandan staff and students, who prayed fervently for his recovery.

Father Joseph, the school's founder, contacted Maria's parents, Brian and Susan Middleton, offering support and prayers. This global outpouring of compassion inspired Maria and her family to travel to Uganda, bringing donations from Bucks County school communities.

During her final months, Maria's faith never wavered. His last words, “Think hope,” summed up his belief in God and his life’s mission. “No matter the circumstances in my life, my mission and purpose remains the same,” Maria said. “My emotions will rise and fall, but my faith is not an emotion; it is a commitment and I will not despair.

Maria passed away on October 8, 2020, leaving a profound legacy of hope and inspiration. To honor his memory, the Think Hope Foundation was established, dedicated to “unlocking the power of hope, one person at a time, through educational and outreach ministries.”

The foundation supports various initiatives, including the Regina Academy of St. John the Baptist, where Maria was a student. The academy is celebrating the opening of its sister school, Maria Middleton Sodogo Primary School, as a new beacon of education and faith in Uganda.

Maria's academic and spiritual excellence shone at Regina Academy of St. John the Baptist in Ottsville, Pennsylvania, where she earned numerous awards in 2017, including the Parish Award, Highest Average Award, and the Knights of Columbus First Place Essay Contest. Known for her academic talents, her dancing skills, and her deep spirituality, Maria was a leader among her peers and among adults.

Continuing her education at Villa Joseph Marie High School, Maria served as junior class president and participated in several clubs, including the Community Service Corps and the Diamond Key Club. She received the Widener University High School Leadership Award and was a member of the National Honor Society. Maria's dedication to helping others was evident in her involvement in initiatives such as Mother of Mercy House's annual coat drive and building a bridge to Uganda. Despite her many accomplishments, Maria treasured time spent with family and friends most of all.

The opening of Maria Middleton Sodogo Primary School highlights the profound impact of Maria’s life and legacy. By providing free education to Ugandan children, the school embodies Maria's spirit of hope and commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

This initiative also serves as a reminder of the power of global connections and the lasting influence that individuals can exert across continents. The establishment of the school reflects the shared values ​​of education, faith and community support that Maria championed throughout her life.

As the new school year begins, Maria Middleton Sodogo Primary School stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, ensuring that Maria's legacy continues to touch lives and foster a brighter future for Uganda's children .

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