
New report says alleged hypodermic needle attacker mentally competent to stand trial

A recent psychiatric report indicates that Brandon Lee Bluecloud is competent to stand trial if detained, but it does not specify whether he was criminally responsible for his alleged actions.

A recent psychiatric report indicates that Brandon Lee Bluecloud is competent to stand trial if detained, but it does not specify whether he was criminally responsible for his alleged actions.

Bluecloud, 29, appeared by video in Moose Jaw provincial court on June 12, where his defense, the Crown and the judge discussed a mental health assessment they received the night before.

Defense lawyer Deanna Harris said the report raised some issues she needed to discuss with Bluecloud and Crown prosecutor Rob Parker. Additionally, the report states that Bluecloud is fit to stand trial, but it does not address the question it sought, namely whether he was criminally responsible (NCR) during the alleged offense.

Harris noted that Parker works with a colleague who is “much more familiar” with these types of cases, so from her perspective, she needs to consider the report and the information in it.

The initial assessment report raised the possibility of an NCR, although the Crown was not prepared to admit it and believed the issue focused on fitness to stand trial, Parker said. There was an agreement and a finding that Bluecloud was unfit, which suspended proceedings until he was found fit.

“According to this report, that is now the case, so I think we now need to re-examine the question of the possible defense of not criminally responsible,” he continued, stressing that this new report could lead to the Crown to change its mind on the NCR.

Parker said he would forward this latest psychiatric report to his colleague while he, his colleague and Harris work on an agreement on how to move forward from here or plan a contested trial focused on the RNC.

Judge David Chow then adjourned the matter until Monday, June 24.

The provincial court initially ordered Bluecloud to go to Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford for an evaluation on Oct. 11, 2023. His doctor, Dr. Stephen Adams, said there was a change in circumstances related to his diagnosis and that the stated hope was that Bluecloud could be made fit to stand trial.

On October 3, 2023, police arrested Bluecloud and charged him with assault with a weapon after an alleged attack in downtown Moose Jaw at the TD Bank.

When officers arrived on scene, they learned that Bluecloud allegedly approached a bank customer from behind, stabbed him multiple times in the lower back with a syringe, and then fled the scene.

Bluecloud was arrested without incident shortly after the attack using security camera footage. Bluecloud and his victim did not know each other and police say the attack appeared to be random.

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