
New details shared about officer-involved shooting near local casino

On April 30, police finally found Nicolas Roach, 35, near the Sandia Resort & Casino. “We knew he had warrants, and we knew he had warrants, and we knew the general area he was operating in,” said APD Cmdr. » said Kyle Hartsock. “It had been at least several days of detectives working on specific operation plans and at different times of the day trying to locate him.” The 35-year-old man had an arrest warrant for a probation violation and was a well-known car thief. . Police eventually saw Roach driving in a stolen Hyundai near the Sandia Resort and Casino. They say Roach fled and led a chase into the casino parking lot, where he got out of the stolen Hyundai and got into his own GMC. Police demonstrated a device called a grappling hook, which uses a cable to wrap around the tire of a moving car and bring it down. The video shows the moments police used a grappling hook to stop Roach's GMC with two other people inside. Police then confronted the 35-year-old man. Gunshots followed. “Roach suffered gunshot wounds to his jaw, right arm and back,” Hartsock said. Roach was taken to the hospital in critical condition. He was released from the hospital and incarcerated 10 days later. Officers found a stolen .45 caliber gun that they believe was used by Roach to fire two shots at officers. As the investigation continues, APD Chief Harold Medina is calling for stricter laws to combat car theft. crimes need to be taken to a higher level,” Medina said. APD detectives are working with federal officials to charge Roach.

On April 30, police finally found Nicolas Roach, 35, near the Sandia Resort & Casino.

“We knew he had warrants, and we knew he had warrants, and we knew the general area he was operating in,” said APD Cmdr. » said Kyle Hartsock. “It had been at least several days of detectives working on specific operation plans and at different times of the day trying to locate him.”

The 35-year-old man had an arrest warrant for a probation violation and was a well-known car thief. Police eventually saw Roach driving in a stolen Hyundai near the Sandia Resort and Casino. They say Roach fled, leading a chase to the casino parking lot, where he got out of the stolen Hyundai and got into his own GMC.

Police demonstrated a device called a grappling hook, which uses a cable to wrap around the tire of a moving car and stop it.

The video shows the moments police used a grappling hook to stop Roach's GMC with two other people inside.

Police then confronted the 35-year-old man. Gunshots followed.

“Roach suffered gunshot wounds to his jaw, right arm and back,” Hartsock said.

Roach was taken to the hospital in critical condition. He was released from the hospital and incarcerated 10 days later.

Officers found a stolen .45 caliber gun that they believe was used by Roach to fire two shots at officers. As the investigation continues, APD Chief Harold Medina is calling for stricter laws to combat car theft.

“We need help from legislative bodies to ensure that individuals who commit auto theft in order to use that motor vehicle to commit other crimes are held to a higher standard,” Medina said.

APD detectives are working with federal officials to charge Roach.

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