
Netflix to managers: ask if you would rehire staff and lay off if not

Streaming giant Netflix is ​​well known for some of its unusual corporate guidelines, for example the lack of an expense and vacation policy, and its infamous “caretaker test.”

It is this latter notion that Netflix executives are being asked to revisit, after the company announced an update to its cultural strategy yesterday. Netflix introduced its “keeper test” which pushes managers to ask themselves: “'If X wanted to leave, would I fight to keep him?' Or “knowing everything I know today, would I hire X again?” »

If the answer is “no,” then it is “fairer for everyone to part ways quickly.”

In an article titled “The Best Job of Our Lives,” the company doubled down: “In the abstract, the gatekeeper test can seem scary. In fact, we encourage everyone to regularly talk to their managers about what's going well and what's not. This helps avoid surprises.

But the memo also contained good news for the entertainment giant's 13,000 employees: If they're having a hard time, their jobs aren't on the line. The memo continues: “Managers evaluate team members on their entire balance sheet, rather than focusing on mistakes or bets that didn't pay off.

“In the Dream Team, you need people who challenge the status quo and try new things. We therefore remain alongside our employees despite short-term difficulties.

The Guardian Test also has a rather sweet history, the memo adds, as it is a name derived from the company's co-founder, Reed Hastings. “[He] remembers catching a fish as a kid and his dad telling him, 'It's a keeper, Reed!'” Netflix wrote.

Teammates, not brothers and sisters

Speaking of family, this presents another difference between Netflix's culture and that of other brands. While some companies like to refer to their staff as family, it's a notion the $288 billion company categorically rejects.

“We model ourselves after a professional sports team, not a family,” the note added. “Families are about unconditional love. They can also be dysfunctional, like anyone who watched them Ozark Or Wednesday knows.

“Professional sports teams, on the other hand, focus on performance and choosing the right person for each position, even if that means replacing someone they like with a better player.”

The brand, which holds exclusive rights to shows such as Stranger Things, The Bridgerton Chronicles And You, knows that this culture is not for everyone. He adds: “Many people will be happier in companies that are more stable or take less risk. Netflix works best if you value experimentation, enjoy the uncomfortable excitement of a new or challenging project, and have the resilience to thrive in that environment.

On top of that, the company has established some ground rules for staff working on Netflix's wide range of content, which showcases a plethora of backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

“As employees, we support these principles, even if some stories go against our personal values,” adds Netflix. “And we understand that, depending on our roles, we may need to work on TV shows, movies or games that we perceive to be harmful. If you're having trouble handling the breadth of our list, Netflix probably isn't the best place for you.

(Almost) no rules

Netflix, which reported having just under 270 million subscribers during its first-quarter 2024 earnings call earlier this year, also reiterated its stance that it is fairly hands-off when it comes to staff rules .

In an announcement accompanying the updated cultural initiative, which lasted 12 months, Sergio Ezama, chief talent officer, wrote: “I'm often asked: does Netflix really have no spending policy or vacation? The answer: we don't.

“You might think that this kind of freedom leads to chaos. Although we have had our share of failures – and a few people have taken advantage of our culture – the emphasis on individual autonomy has created a very successful business… we have found that giving people the freedom to use their Judgment is the best solution. way to succeed in the long term.

As a result, those looking to land a job at Netflix must be an “exceptionally responsible person.” For anyone looking to add their resume to Netflix's pile of potential candidates, its latest culture note adds that it's looking for people who are “motivated, self-aware, and disciplined, who don't wait to be told.” tell them what to do and choose the trash cans like they would at home.

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