
Netanyahu accuses Biden of holding back his guns

Israel's Netanyahu accuses Biden of withholding weapons, US officials say it's not the whole story

Benjamin Netanyahu criticized Biden for not having access to weapons while the United States supplied billions of weapons and equipment to Israel.

Israel relies on massive U.S. military aid and U.S. arms sales to wage its war on Gaza. [Getty]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the United States was holding back its weapons, suggesting it was slowing the Israeli offensive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah, where fighting has exacerbated the Palestinians' already dire humanitarian situation. .

President Joe Biden has delayed the delivery of some heavy bombs to Israel since May due to concerns over civilian deaths in Gaza. However, the administration has gone to great lengths to avoid any suggestion that Israeli forces have crossed a red line in the escalating invasion of Rafah, which would trigger a more sweeping ban on arms transfers.

Netanyahu, in a short video, spoke directly to the camera in English while launching sharp criticism of Biden over “bottlenecks” in arms transfers.

“It is inconceivable that over the past few months the administration has denied arms and ammunition to Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding: “Give us the tools and we will finish the job much faster.” »

Netanyahu did not specify what weapons were being withheld, and the Israeli military declined to respond to a request for comment. Ophir Falk, Netanyahu's foreign policy adviser, referred questions about details to the U.S. government.

Netanyahu also claimed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a recent visit to Israel, said he was working around the clock to end the delays.

However, Blinken said the only pause in sending weapons to Israel was related to the heavy bombs in May, speaking at a news conference Tuesday at the State Department.

“As you know, we continue to review a shipment that President Biden has discussed involving 2,000-pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in a densely populated area like Rafah,” Blinken said. “This remains under study. But everything else is moving as usual.

The United States has provided Israel with crucial military and diplomatic support since the war on Gaza began in October.

Two leading Democrats in Congress have cleared the way for a $15 billion U.S. sale of F-15s to Israel, after a delay while seeking answers from the Biden administration on Israel's current use of American weapons in the war in Gaza.

As the Israeli offensive enters its ninth month, international criticism has mounted over U.S. support for Israel's air and ground campaign in Gaza, and the United Nations' highest court has concluded that there is a “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza – an accusation made by Israel. firmly denies it.

Both Netanyahu and Biden are trying to balance their own domestic political problems with the volatile situation in the Middle East, and the embattled Israeli leader has become increasingly resistant to Biden's public charm offensives and private pleadings. .

Months of ceasefire talks have failed to find common ground between Hamas and Israeli leaders. Israel has been reluctant to approve a U.S.-backed plan that would repatriate the hostages, pave the way for an end to the war and launch an effort to rebuild the decimated territory.

Netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet on Monday, a move that consolidates his influence over the war between Israel and Hamas and likely diminishes the chances of a ceasefire in the near future. The move could also give Netanyahu room to prolong the war and stay in power. Critics accuse him of delaying because ending the war would mean an inquiry into the government's failures on October 7 and increase the likelihood of new elections at a time when the prime minister's popularity is low.

Israel's war on Gaza has killed more than 37,300 people. The war has largely interrupted the supply of food, medicine and other supplies to Palestinians facing widespread hunger.

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