
NATO nuclear weapons on standby –

NATO plans to put more nuclear weapons on standby in the face of growing threats of Russia and China. Alliance leader Jens Stoltenberg told the Telegraph that NATO must display its nuclear arsenal to send a clear signal to his adversaries. He revealed that consultations are underway between NATO members to remove the missiles from storage and place them on alert.

Stoltenberg did not disclose operational details regarding the number of nuclear that nuclear warheads be put on hold or stored, but stressed the importance of these consultations. He emphasized that nuclear transparency should be a fundamental aspect of NATOthe strategy of. While NATOthe ultimate goal is a world without nuclear weapons, Stoltenberg emphasized that as long as such weapons exist, NATO will remain one nuclear alliance to ensure security against nuclear-armed countries like Russia, Chinaand North Korea.

He issued a strong warning about the threat posed by Chinanoting its significant investments in modern weapons, including its nuclear arsenal, which is expected to reach 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030. This development means NATO could face two potential nuclear opponents—China And Russia— in the near future, a scenario with serious consequences.

The United States and Great Britain provided NATO with their nuclear deterrent forces, while other European allies stockpile weapons on their soil and invest in systems to deliver them. According to The Telegraph, the number of operational people nuclear the weapons remain secret. However, Britain is said to have around 40 nuclear nuclear warheads on standby out of a total of 225, while the United States has deployed about 1,700 of its 3,700 missiles.

Since the outbreak of large-scale war, Russia published several times nuclear threats in response to aid provided to Ukraine. In late February, Putin warned against “tragic consequences“for countries sending troops to Ukraine, mentioning a “real threat” of nuclear war that could lead to the annihilation of humanity. Furthermore, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, threatened Poland with nuclear strike in the event of a world war, in response to Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski's statement that the United States had promised to destroy Russian troops in Ukraine if Russia launched a nuclear strike.

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