
Myanmar crisis raises concerns over rise of criminal syndicates, human trafficking, says Indian Ambassador Nagesh Singh

Two regions of Myanmar are of particular concern to the international community. The first is the Myawaddy region, which briefly fell to rebels last April and has been embroiled in armed conflict ever since.

Bangkok:The volatile situation in Myanmar has had repercussions on its neighbors, including India and Thailand. With the intensification of offensives by rebel militias against the military junta in Myanmar, some areas of the country are now completely outside the control of the central government.



Two areas of Myanmar are of particular concern to the world. The first is the Myawaddy region, which briefly fell to rebels in April this year and has been largely embroiled in conflict ever since. This means that international criminal gangs, with the support of certain groups, have used the region to develop a criminal enterprise involving computer fraud, phishing, and illegal gambling and betting.

In a candid interview with ANI, Indian Ambassador to Thailand Nagesh Singh expressed grave concerns over the escalating crisis in troubled areas of Myanmar where ethnic armed groups have taken control, creating fertile ground for crime syndicates and illicit activities.

Singh highlighted the serious challenges posed by the rampant operations of the Chinese mafia, orchestrating online scams, illegal casinos and human trafficking rings in Myanmar's lawless territories.

“Large areas of Myanmar are controlled by various armed groups. There is no central authority to deal with,” he said.

The Ambassador highlighted the plight of people from various countries including India, Brazil, Africa, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines who are being lured with false promises of lucrative jobs and forced into modern-day slavery the moment they cross the border. “They come here and once they cross the border, they are held hostage,” Singh lamented.

The Indian Embassy in Thailand has said that the recent surge in criminal activities is a huge problem. Thailand offers visa-free travel to Indian nationals and gullible youths are often recruited by unscrupulous agents under the pretext of employment in the IT sector. Upon arrival, they are often taken across the border to Burma to work for these criminal organisations.

Singh revealed the Indian government’s proactive efforts to rescue its citizens, despite its limited jurisdiction. “We have successfully repatriated around 320 Indians in the last two years,” he revealed, acknowledging the ongoing challenges in helping the remaining victims still stuck in Myanmar’s perilous territories.

He stressed the crucial role of coordinated international efforts in combating this transnational threat, recognizing it as an urgent concern for global security. “It is considered a serious threat to all countries,” Singh noted, calling for concerted enforcement and enhanced awareness campaigns to mitigate the risks faced by vulnerable people.

Amid these dire circumstances, Singh assured continued vigilance and prompt responses from Indian diplomatic missions in Thailand and Myanmar, urging increased caution among potential travellers and stricter border controls to curb illicit activities.

Another region plagued by problems is the Golden Triangle, a region bordering Thailand, Burma and Laos. In the absence of law enforcement agencies, criminal groups operate with impunity.

According to a June report by the United States Institute of Peace, con artists operating in the region have stolen nearly $39 billion. Once they arrive at these centers, recruits are given a certain amount of money and are required to scam people. If these recruits do not meet these targets, they are subjected to abuse and are then forced to pay ransoms to free themselves from their captors. In March this year, 19 Indians were rescued from the region. This scam has prompted the Indian mission to issue a warning to Indians about accepting such offers.

Indian Ambassador to Laos Prashant Agarwal has advised Indian youth to exercise “utmost caution” about job opportunities offered to them in the country and to verify the authenticity and security of such offers, for which they can also contact the Indian Embassy in Laos.

“The embassy has issued a very detailed advisory, which is very well circulated and is also available on our website. The Ministry of External Affairs has also issued a very detailed advisory in this regard,” the Indian envoy told ANI in an earlier interview.

He added, “Basically, what we expect from our youth is that they should exercise utmost caution. If they are informed about any opportunity in this region, they should do their own research and dissidents… We have given our phone numbers and contact details; they are welcome to contact us to verify whether the offers are genuine and sincere before leaving India, making payments, etc. So, it is extremely essential that people exercise utmost caution before accepting such offers.”

ASEAN's appointment of a special envoy to Myanmar offers a glimpse of a solution to the region's crisis. In these volatile times, diplomats in the region are working hard to inform people about dubious job offers.

Published Date: July 5, 2024 7:24 AM IST

Last updated: July 5, 2024 7:24 AM IST

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