
My teenage acne 'completely ruined my self-esteem'

Kendall Jenner (Getty Images)

She may be a stunning model, gracing billboards and high fashion photo shoots, but Kendall Jenner was once an awkward, acne-covered teenager, just like us!

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In a new post on her personal webpage, the 19-year-old keeping up with the Kardashians The star reflected on her transition phase and the effects it had on her self-esteem growing up in a family in the spotlight.

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“Where it really hit me was how embarrassed I became,” Jenner wrote. “It completely ruined my self-esteem. I didn't even look at people when I talked to them. I felt like an outcast; when I spoke, it was with my hand covering my face.

Kendall Jenner in 2008 (WireImage)

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Fortunately, her famous family was there for her during this difficult time and she had three older sisters: Kourtney, Kim, And Khloe Kardashian – who had previously experienced similar acne problems.

“I was grateful that we still talked about it in my family,” the Vogue model continued. “They were helping me work through my feelings about it and how I was going to move past this stage in my life. I remember on Christmas Eve one year I was sitting in my room upstairs crying and Kim came in and we talked about it together – she felt so bad for me.

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Jenner noted that her sisters encouraged her to “keep my hands off my face and never scratch,” which is why she has such perfect skin today. She also went to a dermatologist and started taking Laser Genesis, a treatment to help reduce wrinkles, enlarged pores, redness and scarring.

Noting that she has been acne-free for three years, Jenner added, “Slowly I'm working on not worrying about it anymore and I feel so much better about it now that I'm older.” I realized that this is a part of some people's lives and it doesn't define who you are.

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