
My long-term boyfriend just told me he has teenagers and a dangerous ex.

DEAR ABBY: I have been dating my man for seven years. When we got serious, he told me he had kids. Because we are elderly, I assumed her children were adults. I recently found out the kids are teenagers! He is very involved in their lives.

The problem is that their mother constantly calls to talk about their house bills and the children's needs. He pays her phone bill, her water bill, her electricity bill and sometimes her internet bill, and gives her money every month for the children. He says he does it because he doesn't pay child support and he wants to take care of his children.

He says that under no circumstances will he get back together with the mother. He tells me he loves me and he shows it. He says that when the kids graduate from high school in two years, he will have no reason to talk to their mother or pay his bills. He wants his kids to leave and go to college.

I am very worried about the future of our relationship. He gives me a lot of information about what's going on between the mother, the children and him. The woman is dangerous and unstable. She attacked him twice with a knife. Should I stick it out for the next two years or move on? I love her so much. — SUSPENDED IN FLORIDA

DEAR HANGING: Hang in there, but understand that now is the time for you to discuss ALL of this with your gentleman friend. Suggest that she speak to a family law attorney now about her children's higher education. In some states, statutes or case law give courts the authority to order a noncustodial parent to pay some form of college expenses.

As for the unstable mother of his children, you can bet that when he stops paying his bills, she will become one angry woman. If she threatens his life again, he should immediately report her to the police and apply for a restraining order or no contact order.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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