
Musician accused of murdering teenager Bobbi-Anne McLeod to face trial

A musician will go on trial later this year, accused of murdering teenager Bobbi-Anne McLeod.

Cody Ackland, 24, entered no plea to the single charge of murder during a plea and pre-trial hearing at Plymouth Crown Court on Wednesday.

The 18-year-old student was last seen waiting at a bus stop in Plymouth on the evening of Saturday, November 20 last year as she headed off to meet friends.

Her body was found three days later near Bovisand beach, about seven miles from her home.

The accused, who wore a black T-shirt and gray fleece top, spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth during the hearing.

Members of the public filled the public gallery and a separate courtroom was made available for those wishing to follow the proceedings via video link.

Cody Ackland (centre) appeared at Plymouth Magistrates' Court (Elizabeth Cook/PA) (PA Wire)

Before Ackland was released from his cells, Judge Robert Linford warned those sitting in the public gallery to remain quiet or they would be removed.

He said: “These cases are naturally fraught with strong emotions and feelings and that is to be expected, but this is a court and these proceedings must be conducted with that fact in mind. »

Ray Tully QC, defending, had asked that Ackland not be brought to court as he was awaiting the outcome of further psychiatric assessments.

A further case management hearing will take place on a date to be determined and Ackland, of Radcliffe Close, Southway, Plymouth, was remanded in custody.

Judge Garnham will preside over the trial, which will begin on May 3 and last up to 10 days.

Before adjourning proceedings, Mr Justice Linford thanked members of the public for “behaving in a calm and orderly manner”.

Ackland was the lead guitarist for Plymouth-based indie band Rakuda, who released their debut EP in August last year.

The other members of Rakuda announced in November their dissolution “with immediate effect”.

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