
More than 20,000 children missing in Gaza, with 'unknown number' in mass graves: report

The humanitarian organization Save the Children estimated Monday that around 21,000 children are missing in the Gaza Strip as the Israeli army continues its assault on the enclave, reducing much of the Palestinian territory to rubble.

According to Save the Children, around 4,000 children are likely buried under this debris, while at least 17,000 are unaccompanied, an “unknown number” are in mass graves and others have been “detained and transferred from force out of Gaza, without their whereabouts being known. their families amid reports of mistreatment and torture.

A Save the Children child protection specialist said the group is finding more unaccompanied children every day in Gaza, where parents and entire families have been wiped out by the relentless bombing campaign and invasion. land of Israel.

“We are working with partners to identify separated and unaccompanied children and reunite with their families, but there are no safe facilities for them: there is no safe place in Gaza,” the specialist said from Save the Children. “Furthermore, it is difficult to reunite them with family members as ongoing hostilities restrict our access to communities and constantly force families to relocate. »

“Neighbors and extended family members who have fostered children alone are struggling to meet their basic needs, such as shelter, food and water,” they added. “Many of them are with strangers, or completely alone, which increases the risk of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect.”

“We desperately need a ceasefire to find and support the missing children who survived, and to prevent more families from being destroyed.”

More than 14,000 children have been killed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip since October 7, and many more have suffered devastating psychological and physical trauma, including loss of limbs. Dozens of children have also died of starvation in recent months as the Israeli blockade hampers the flow of vital humanitarian aid.

Children's living conditions have further deteriorated since Israel's invasion of Rafah, which forced around a million people to flee the city. Last month, Israeli forces used American-made bombs in an attack on a Rafah camp housing displaced people, killing dozens of people, including women and children. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said infants were “torn apart” in the attack and people were “trapped in burning plastic tents, leading to a terrible death toll.”

Save the Children stressed Monday that its tally of missing children in Gaza is far from conclusive, given the difficulty of collecting accurate information in areas subject to near-constant attacks. The group noted that “confirming the next of kin identification of a body is nearly impossible when entire families have been wiped out and entry restrictions prevent necessary equipment and experts from entering.”

Jeremy Stoner, Save the Children's regional director for the Middle East, said “families are tortured by uncertainty over the fate of their loved ones.”

“No parent should have to dig through rubble or mass graves to try to find the body of their child. No child should be left alone, unprotected in a war zone. No child should be detained or held in custody. hostage,” Stoner said. “Children who are missing but alive are vulnerable, face serious protection risks and need to be found. They must be protected and reunited with their families. For children who have been killed, their death must be officially recorded, their families informed and buried. the rites respected and the responsibilities sought.

“As many have pointed out, Gaza has become a graveyard for children, with thousands more missing and their fate unknown,” he added. “There must be an independent investigation and those responsible must be held to account. We desperately need a ceasefire to find and support the missing children who survived, and to prevent more families from being destroyed .”

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