
Mom refutes notion that raising teenage girls is 'horrible'

Once I had my daughter, I was inundated with sexist and cautionary tales about how hard it is to raise girls. They cost more. They are moody. They are just plain difficult. Before my daughter could walk or talk, there were so many preconceived notions about who she was or what kind of person she would become.

We've all seen gender reveal videos of a man losing his mind in anger and disappointment when the confetti or cake turns out pink. Why do people hate girls so much, especially teenage girls?

A mother wants to dispel all the rumors about how hard it is to raise a teenage girl and has shared her own experience raising a teenage girl, explaining that she has never heard a single positive thing about it. She wants to speak to young moms and dads, those with toddlers and preschool-aged girls, in the hopes of changing their perspective on what lies ahead in their parenting journey.

“I’m the mother of a teenage daughter. And let me tell you, it’s pretty awesome. She’s a rational, interesting, functional person who gets things done. We have really nice conversations. No more toddler talk. She’s fully sleep trained. She doesn’t need diapers anymore. There are other expenses, yes, but she has a job and contributes to those expenses,” begins Dr. Meghan Martin before listing several positive attributes of her teenage daughter.

“She asks really good questions, like, ‘Where are the pockets? Why is it so expensive?’ and ‘Why don’t law enforcement and EMTs get paid more?’ She helps around the house with dishes and laundry. Sometimes you have to ask her a few times, but she does it anyway, and she does it pretty well. She made dinner herself! We had sushi bowls, and they were way better than anything I would have made, from the grocery list to the freezing, the salt and sugar washing, and even the cleaning.”

Martin goes on to explain that every stage of parenting comes with its challenges. There is no “easy” age. However, she chooses to see the benefits of having a teenage daughter over the less glamorous traits like rolling her eyes and the occasional attitude.

“I can't wait to see what she's going to be when she grows up, and I'm so proud of her every day, and I'm definitely holding on to these last two years like I'm holding on to them for dear life. All the things, all the terrible things they say about raising teenage girls and how terrible it is – I want you to know that it can also be really great. They're still your kids, and they're still amazing,” she concluded.

Thousands of TikTok users commented on Martin's video, praising the emergency room doctor for his honest and positive approach to teenage girls. Some even shared their own stories about teenage beauty, while others, with younger girls, appreciated the words of hope and encouragement.

“I love that so many moms are starting to appreciate their teenage daughters. They do NOT have to have conflicted relationships with their mothers. Thank you for this!” one user wrote.

“Thank you! I have a 3 year old who has very strong opinions!!! It’s nice to know that it’s not obvious that teenage girls are horrible!” said another.

Another said: “I will never understand the stigma of having a girl. I can't wait to see who becomes mine “

“My 16-year-old daughter is much easier to manage than when she was 3 and ‘I can’t’ was her favorite phrase. I agree with that sentiment!” added one mom.

Yes! More appreciation and support for teenage girls, especially during such a confusing and upsetting time their In their lives, they need the admiration of their parents more than ever.

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