
Missing Texas teen Geneva Hodge found miles from Bellville after leaving 'goodbye' note for family

A missing 17-year-old Texas girl was reunited with her mother more than 60 miles from home four days after she left a chilling “goodbye” note on her pillow saying she would be gone for a “long time.”

Geneva Hodge disappeared from her Bellville home Wednesday morning and had been missing for hours when her mother, Francis Schrader, discovered a bizarre note on her bed, according to KHOU.

“'This will be the last time you hear from me for a very long time and it says: I love you mom, I will always be your little girl,'” Schrader said in his daughter's note.

Geneva Hodge was found 63 miles from her home in Texas and reunited with her family after four days of frantic searching. Find Geneva Hodge / Facebook

The concerned mother immediately feared her daughter was in imminent danger and assumed Hodge had been persuaded or coached when writing the note.

“Everyone has read this letter and they say to themselves that this is not Geneva. That’s just not her,” she said.

Before the teen's disappearance, Schrader said the couple had argued over an alleged romantic relationship she had with an older man, according to

Her mother said Hodge left her cell phone, didn't take any clothes and didn't use her debit card when she disappeared.

She feared that her daughter, who was preparing to enter her final year of high school, was at risk of being a victim of human trafficking after being spotted with an older man, reported.

The teenager left a note on her pillow telling her mother she would be gone “for a long time”. Find Geneva Hodge / Facebook

Luckily for the family, on Sunday – four days after Hodge disappeared – a stranger called the mother's number using a missing poster for the teenager to tell him they had found her daughter.

Schrader then drove to Spring, Texas, about 63 miles from her home, to pick up the girl.

The Bellville Police Department confirmed Hodge was found Sunday.

When her mother, Frances Schrader (right), discovered the note, she feared her daughter was in danger. Find Geneva Hodge / Facebook

” She is fine. She slept for a while today,” the teen's mother told

Schrader said that when she discovered the note and no trace of her daughter, she was “completely heartbroken.”

“I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest,” she said.

Schrader shared that she hasn't “smiled” since finding out her daughter was missing, but has been “glowing” since she was found.

The Bellville Police Department confirmed Hodge was found Sunday. Find Geneva Hodge / Facebook

Although details about Hodge's whereabouts for nearly a week are scarce, private investigator Colman Ryan, who worked with Schrader to find his daughter, told KHOU that something about her disappearance seemed strange.

“She said and the closest people around her said, it's not her, something is wrong here. I agree. Who would know better,” Ryan said.

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