
Missing American base jumper found dead in Himachal's Spiti valley, stone pelting prevents recovery of body | Chandigarh News

Three days after his disappearance, a 31-year-old American base jumper was found dead in a ravine between Kee and Tashigang in the Spiti Valley of Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh on Sunday. However, due to the risk posed by falling rocks, the search team has not yet been able to find the body of Trevor Bokstaahlar, who went missing on Thursday while visiting the Spiti Valley.

Sources said, “Due to stone pelting from the cliffs, rescue teams kept the body in a safe place on Sunday evening. A joint team of Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Dogra Regiment and National Disaster Response Force (SDRF) again went up the mountains to recover the body this morning.

Police said the victim's personal belongings were still missing and efforts were being made to locate them. Bokstaahlar's family members are expected to arrive in India on Sunday. His father is in touch with the police in Lahaul and Spiti districts.

Sources said the police came to know that the victim was a base jumper from his father who had alerted them about his son's disappearance from Kaza in Himachal. Base jumping is a sport in which a person jumps from a fixed location and uses a parachute to slow down before reaching the ground. Sources also said images of the victim's body were shared with her family. It remains to be determined whether the victim's parachute was his or if it had been rented.

Mayank Chaudhary, Commissioner of Police, Lahaul and Spiti, said, “The victim's rented motorcycle was found abandoned near Tashigang on June 13. Until June 15, there were no clues on the body. On June 16, we noticed a group of scavengers (vultures, eagles) hovering over a particular object. Using binoculars, we concluded that there was a human body.

“On June 14, with the help of the army's Dogra Regiment, a drone identified a parachute lodged in a deep ravine between Kee and Tashigang. Subsequently, on June 15, specialized teams from ITBP and SDRF were deployed to carry out a rescue operation,” SP Chaudhary added.

Police said the body, once recovered, would be handed over to the victim's relatives after an autopsy.

© The Indian Express Pvt Ltd

First published online on: 17-06-2024 at 1:16 p.m. IST

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