
Mild Trenton Weather in May Brings Near-Normal High Temperatures

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The May weather summary for Trenton reveals above-average low temperatures, near-normal high temperatures, and below-average precipitation. The combined maximums were above normal by less than one degree (0.6), while the combined minimums were above average by about three and a half degrees (3.6). Overall, temperatures in May were mild.

Maximum temperatures averaged 75.3 degrees and minimum temperatures averaged 57.3 degrees. The hottest temperature recorded last month in Trenton was 86 degrees, observed on May 18-19. The coolest temperature was 43 degrees on May 5.

Rainfall totaled 4.51 inches at the West Trenton Water Plant, where measurements are taken for the National Weather Service. This amount was 0.87 inches lower than the average for May. Trenton began June with an annual moisture surplus of just 0.37 inches.

In addition to the 4.51 inches of rain at the West Trenton Water Plant, other May precipitation totals in Trenton included 4.08 inches at the home of the Grundy County Emergency Management Director , Glen Briggs, on East 5th Street and 3.62 inches at the Barton Farm campus in west Trenton. southeastern edge of Trenton.

The National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center, which began in May, had generally given equal chances for temperatures and precipitation to be above, below, or near normal in our region. However, in southern parts of our region, above-normal precipitation was slightly favored in May.

The outlook for June does not provide a clear forecast. It shows that above normal temperatures are slightly favored across northwest Missouri and roughly the northwest half of north-central Missouri. However, most of Missouri has an equal chance of having above, below, or near normal temperatures in June. There is an equal chance that June precipitation will be above, below, or near normal in our area.

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