
Migrants, Piantedosi: “We will hit human traffickers”

The minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosiin an interview with “Messeggero”, he wanted above all to “thank the president Meloni, our technicians are working on a solution that responds to the indications received from the G7 by implementing additional measures to combat human trafficking. By obviously always implementing actions through the innovative approach represented by the Mattei Plan. A bit like we have already done in the European Union, by imposing the subject on the Council. The meeting that I will chair with colleagues from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Japan will take place in October – he adds – and will therefore outline concrete lines of cooperation, strengthening collaboration between our police forces. A bit like we do in the fight against transnational criminal organizations that deal with other types of trafficking. And we will do it by sharing the teaching of the judge Giovanni Falconewho follow the money (follow the money) who use financial investigations to reach the top of criminal organizations.”

But also emphasizing “the importance of so-called capacity building.” That is to say, thickening the network of security forces present in countries of origin and transit. This is essentially a training action, which allows these countries not only to increase their investigative capacity but also, thanks to the supply of new equipment, to renew their internal organization. migration imposed on the G7 could be the springboard for a new commitment, including American, in North Africa: “Our objective remains to fight against an intolerable phenomenon, and to do so through an approach, the Mattei Plan, which has a general and non-predatory character All this to say that anyone who wants to adopt this type of philosophy will be welcome at our side, in North Africa as in the Sahel.

Once the G7 ended in Borgo Egnazia, the safety assessment was positive: “Everything went very well in all respects. Regarding the security framework, around 8,000 units were deployed on the ground and I must say that the coordination and harmony between all the forces on the ground worked very well. It’s never a given. In addition, it was a special event because security had to be guaranteed not in a large metropolitan area, as usually happens, but in a larger and more difficult to control area, with significant logistical complexities. It was a beautiful postcard offered to the world. » But there was a flaw. During the G7 days, the ship which was supposed to accommodate a large part of the deployed security forces was seized in the middle of a controversy due to various malfunctions: “The behavior of the supplier is under the attention of the authorities. We will carry out all the necessary evaluations to understand what went wrong,” concludes Piantedosi.

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