
Mel Gibson threatens to direct 'Lethal Weapon 5'

I wonder what it's like to sign a Mel Gibson photo these days. You must meet him. You will probably discuss the project. He will tell some anecdotes about his journey; you will do the same. Maybe he asks you if you want some tea. At one point he asks if you agree that in 2006 he angrily shouted at the officer who arrested him that the Jewish people were responsible for the war. You laugh nervously. Then he asks if you've heard about the time, in 2010, when he told his then-wife that if she was “cheated on by a pack of n*****s” it would be on his mistake.

Mel Gibson sucks. In his most private moments, he showed us how ugly he is. There is no way around this problem. And yet, he got through it with ease. Yes, Gibson's career isn't what it once was, but he still has one. He has always acted and directed films. Hacksaw crest, which he directed and released in 2016, earned six Academy Award nominations. He is doing very well, even though he is a garbage collector. He is now threatening to make a sequel to one of his most beloved films.

Gibson was a guest on the Inspire Me podcast. Deadly weapon arrived, and old Mel decided to let the cat out of the bag. “I'm going to direct the fifth film in the 'Lethal Weapon' series,” Gibson told the audience. “Richard Donner, who did the other four, unfortunately passed away and he was a good friend, and he kind of charged me with carrying the flag home on that one. So it will be an honor for me to do this.

According to Gibson, a script is being developed and is almost ready to go. “[Donner] We were already well advanced in writing the script, and we used what was there. We kept working on it, working on it and I'm pretty happy with it, it's good, I had a lot of fun doing it.

There was a time when Gibson managed a fifth Deadly weapon the film would have excited me. Not completely. These are the films of Richard Donner. But Gibson is a good director. He's a wonderful actor. I wish I could be excited about what Riggs and Murtaugh are going to get into now that they're definitely too old for this shit. But I can not. Not when we saw Gibson's racism and anti-Semitism on full display.

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