
Mark Whalen and Carson Hix were arrested for domestic violence.

BOAZ, Ala. (WAFF) – Two north Alabama officers were arrested on the same day for two separate domestic violence cases.

Officer Mark Whalen of North Courtland was arrested Wednesday. The same day, Officer Carson Hix of the Boaz police department was arrested on domestic violence charges.

“We're short two officers right now,” Boaz Police Chief Mike Turner said. “We are like everyone else. We are looking to hire. »

Turner said he was feeling the effects of his arrest by officer Carson Hix, who, court documents say, pushed his wife to the ground earlier this month.

He has since been placed on leave, which is standard procedure following an arrest. Despite this, Turner said his team was up to the task.

“We're doing pretty well,” he said. “They're just working overtime. A lot of overtime. The Boaz Police Department is going to continue to operate well, and we're going to go ahead and get this case done. We'll see how it goes.” Mark Whalen was also arrested on domestic violence charges.

Court documents say Whalen pushed his pregnant wife.

“Police departments have a responsibility to have a zero-tolerance policy,” said former police chief Cecil Moses. “I did that when I was chief.”

Moses said these arrests put considerable pressure on small departments.

“One or two absences can really cause a problem,” he said. “It’s a real challenge for the department. It also puts the community at risk.”

He said a small percentage of domestic abusers are police officers, but that figure remains concerning.

“That’s about one percent of all abusers,” he said. “It’s typical of all professions, but we can’t afford it in the police.”

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