
Man shot teen 7 times after falsely accusing him of planning robbery

A Washington state man faces multiple charges after fatally shooting a teenager in a Renton shopping center parking lot on June 5. The King County, Washington, district attorney's office said the 51-year-old Aaron Brown Myers confronted a 17 year old Hazrat Ali Rouhani and his friends, who were crossing the parking lot with airsoft guns.

Myers told police he ordered the teens to raise their hands, but they ignored his order. He then claimed one of the teens was “going to kill him,” so he opened fire, hitting Rouhani six times in the back and once in the side.

Police said an investigation revealed Myers' story was not entirely true. Surveillance camera footage contradicted what Myers told police. The video showed the teens complying with Myers' orders, with one placing the airsoft gun on the sidewalk before raising his hands.

At one point, Myers pushed one of the teens to the ground and stood over him while pointing his gun at Rouhani. When Rouhani turned away, Myers began shooting.

The two surviving teens told police they were returning the airsoft guns to the store because one of them was not working properly. They said they told Myers they weren't real weapons, but he didn't believe them.

Myers was taken into custody and charged with second-degree murder and assault. His bail was set at $2 million.

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