
Man sentenced to 35 years in prison for stabbing attack on Lyft driver

A South Florida man is sent to prison for attempted murder in a stabbing attack on a Lyft driver in Boynton Beach.

Michael Radler, 41, could have been sentenced to life in prison, but a judge sentenced him Tuesday afternoon to less than that.

Prosecutors asked the judge to sentence Michael Radler to 50 years in prison. Instead, the judge sentenced him to 35 years in prison for a horrific attack on a Lyft driver in September 2021.

“I can't even begin to describe the feelings of terror that I felt,” said Tevin Kimbugwe, speaking to Circuit Judge Daliah Weiss during Radler's sentencing hearing.

Kimbugwe told the judge what he endured at the hands of Michael Radler, who stabbed Kimbugwe multiple times with a knife after a traffic accident on Seacrest Blvd.

Kimbugwe, a Lyft driver from Lake Worth Beach, had two passengers in his car when he collided with Radler, who was driving a motorcycle.

“I still remember that day vividly and it continues to haunt me every day of my life. Mr. Radler's horrific and senseless actions changed my life forever,” Kimbugwe said.

Kimbugwe claims the left side of his face was cut open.

“I fell to the sidewalk like a hunted animal, blood streaming from my face. I screamed for help and begged to be left alive. But Mr. Radler did not stop . He lunged at me, stabbing me continuously,” Kimbugwe said. .

Radler stabbed him in the face, chest, back and arms, before Radler got on his motorcycle and drove off.

“I was left for dead,” Kimbugwe told the judge.

The prosecutor told the judge it was a “horrible act, a random act of violence.”

“I believe Mr. Radler has shown a complete disregard for human life. He represents an absolute danger to the citizens of Palm Beach County,” said Assistant District Attorney Kyley Brown.

A psychologist testified for the defense at the sentencing hearing, saying Radler had a substance abuse problem, a dysfunctional childhood and suffered from PTSD.

The defense requested 8.3 years in prison.

“I feel absolutely ridiculous for reacting in such an irrational way,” Radler said, reading from a prepared statement.

Radler told the judge he would trade anything to undo what happened.

“It was simply a very terrible mistake. I am remorseful for the harm caused to the victim. I want to take this opportunity to apologize directly to her,” Radler said, turning to Kimbugwe who was sitting in the courtroom.

After Radler was sentenced to 35 years in prison and taken away, Radler's girlfriend was in tears in the hallway outside the courtroom.

“He's such a wonderful person, I don't understand how they could take his life like that. He made a mistake. He didn't mean to hurt anyone,” said Chandra Posey, the little girl. friend of Radler.

“I'm not happy with the outcome for anyone. I'm sorry for the second person involved, I'm sorry for my son, it's just a tragedy,” said Michael Radler, Sr., Radler's father.

The victim made no comment after the sentencing hearing. The defense announced its intention to appeal and request a new trial.

“The victim in this horrific case has received justice with today’s sentence. The random and extreme act of violence in this case demonstrated a complete disregard for human life and showed that any citizen of Palm Beach County could have fallen victim to the defendant's wrath. The consequences of the defendant's selfishness are profound and irreversible for the victim, who is left with disfiguring injuries to his face, arms and chest. His emotional wounds are just as significant. The damage done to the defendant can never be undone, but it can be explained away by a just conviction for his crimes,” Kyley Brown, assistant district attorney, said in a written statement released by the Palm Beach County District Attorney's Office .

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