
Man sentenced for setting off fireworks at home

  • By Tsai Chang-sheng and Esme Yeh / Journalist, with the editorial staff

The Hsinchu District Court sentenced a man to seven months in prison for setting off fireworks at a private residence.

The ruling states that a man surnamed Shan (單), who resented a man surnamed Hsieh (謝) over private quarrels, at 4:30 p.m. on August 3 and 5 a.m. on August 12 last year, fired blazing fireworks at Hsieh's residence, threatening his life, body and property.

Shan's actions terrorized Hsieh and threatened his personal safety, the statement said.

Photo copied by Tsai Chang-sheng, Taipei Times

Shan denied threatening Hsieh, adding that he was not trying to intimidate anyone, he added.

He told the court that he did not aim at Hsieh and that none of the rockets were aimed at Hsieh's residence.

After reviewing closed-circuit television footage, a judge found that the flares fired the first time by Shan were aimed in a particular direction instead of the sky, and those fired the second time fell into Hsieh's yard, emitting a thick smoke.

Shan also hurled insults after firing the rockets, threatening to repeat his actions if Hsieh dared to visit his grandparents again, the judge said.

In light of the evidence, Shan's shooting twice in front of Hsieh's residence clearly constituted an act of intimidation against Hsieh, according to the ruling.

He stated that it was common sense that the purpose of throwing fireworks at the residence was to send a message frightening enough to frighten the victim and threaten their life, body and property, thereby constituting the offense of endangering personal security, for which Shan was charged.

As Shan had denied the crime and stated during the trial that he would fire rockets again in the direction of the victim's residence, without expressing regret for the incidents, the judge sentenced him to seven months in prison, which may be commuted to a fine, according to the judgment. .

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