
Man sentenced for making threats in grocery store, stabbing dog – InForum

FARGO — A New York man has been convicted in connection with threats made at a grocery store and a separate incident in which he stabbed a loose dog.

Gerald Charles Knorr Jr., 64, was scheduled to stand trial July 16 in Cass County District Court on three counts of terrorism. Instead, he pleaded guilty, meaning he maintains his innocence in the case but acknowledges that a jury has enough evidence to convict him.

Judge Susan Bailey sentenced him to 255 days in jail, which he has already served. He will also be placed on supervised probation for two years.

The first charge stems from an incident on October 1, 2023, in which Knorr stabbed an unleashed dog named Blue. He was not charged with killing the dog, but the terrorism charge said he threatened to kill the dog's owner, Jessie Davis, and Davis' children with a knife.

According to police, Knorr claimed Blue attacked his dog and that he stabbed Davis' dog in self-defense. Blue was not wearing a leash at the time of his death.

The other two terrorism charges involve threatening to kill Amina Hajimadi or her sister, Ashya Hajimadi, along with her dog while they were inside the Aldi grocery store in Fargo. Hajimadi told WDAY News that Knorr yelled racial slurs as he followed her into the store.

According to a criminal complaint, Knorr said he would “make the dog bite me in the face” when his dog jumped on Amina Hajimadi. Knorr also threatened Aldi employee Reid Olson when Olson told him not to make the comments, the complaint said.

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