
Man jailed for indecent assault of teenage girl in her own home

Legend, Kevin Shimmin, 60, was jailed at Douglas Courthouse after March assault

A man who indecently assaulted a teenage girl in her own home has been sentenced to two years and two months in prison.

Kevin Shimmin, 60, touched the victim inappropriately in his parents' bedroom in March after visiting the house when he knew they were not there.

Douglas Courthouse was told he then made her promise not to tell anyone and then asked the girl's mother not to report him to the police when she found out.

Jailing Shimmin, Deemster Graeme Cook said there was “no doubt” the girl had done the “right thing” in reporting him.

Without regret

The court heard that Shimmin, who was then working as a taxi driver, visited the house on March 12 and went upstairs to use the toilet.

He then went into the bedroom where the girl was sitting on the bed, hugged her and began tickling her, before touching her inappropriately under her clothes, it was reported of the court.

After coming back down, Shimmin made the girl promise that she would not tell anyone what he had done.

When the girl's mother found out what had happened and confronted him about it, he asked her not to report him to the police.

During his arrest, Shimmin told police: “I am gutted for what I did. »

In a victim impact statement read to the court, the girl said the attack had left her “sad and confused” and she was now “scared” to see the 60-year-old.

Sentencing him, Deemster Cook said he “still didn't have the courage” to explain his actions and had only shown “remorse for yourself, but nothing else.”

Shimmin was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years and given a sexual harm prevention order restricting his contact with children for the same period.

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