
Man Gets 300 Years in Prison for Triple Murder in Gold Shop

Left: Anthony Pisano during his arraignment (AP Photo/Dan Joling); Right: At his sentencing hearing (Alaska Department of Law)

An Alaska man who murdered three other people during a precious metals heist gone horribly wrong has been sentenced to 300 years in prison.

Anthony Pisano, 50, was sentenced Thursday by Alaska Superior Court Judge Jack McKenna for the triple murder committed Sept. 12, 2017, at the Bullion Brothers store on Spenard Road in Anchorage, according to a news release issued Friday by the Alaska Department of Law. .

Justice in the case of the three victims, including the defendant's friend and store co-owner Steven Cook, 31, as well as employees Daniel McCreadie, 31, and Kenneth Hartman, 48, took a long time. to come – complicated by the onset and measures of judicial closure, the COVID-19 pandemic and, later, by a hung jury in a first trial.

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